Chapter 3

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I was a bit scared to open any messages from tinder. And as I expected... dick pic galore. They were kinda nice... uhhh what. I could feel myself getting hard by looking at them. This is so embarrassing, I had to release some stress, so I beat the life out of my cock. JESUS I need someone else to touch me this is pathetic.

I unmatched all the people who sent me dick pics. And was left with four people. I closed my eyes and clicked on a random message. Marilyn Smith.. I clicked on her profile and she had Karen vibes yuck. Then I clicked on the message below hers

So I've been trying to come up with a good psychology pick up line but I'm aFREUD I'm all out of good ones! But for real, you should let me buy you a SHRINK sometime aha, get it? Like a drink? Okay I'm going to stop now ;)

I had never been so impressed yet kind of embarrassed with such a pick up line. I clicked on the account, she lived a few miles from here. Savanna Johnson.. what a pretty name... Savanna. Looks like she likes to read and play video games too... hmmm. She had three pics one with her friends, another with a plant, and the last one during golden hour. She looked really beautiful, but I wonder if her personality was just as good.

Oh my god... if it wasn't for my utter kindness I wouldn't have responded.

Was that period too much? Do people still look into messages that much? Oh god oh god oh go- my phone rang immediately

You didn't answer my question Dr. Ramos ;3

I can't tell if that was condescending or not, but I think you're the one in need of a shrink.

Well what if you were my shrink... and I went over to your office for a one on one session.

Oh she's good, she keeps refuting my remarks

What if I was? Hmm

Okay cool I'll meet you there on Saturday :)

You don't even know where I reside?

I looked you up dummy, and since you work from home I'm assuming your office is at home

Oh so you're a stalker?


what? I can't be too comfortable in this world, anyone could easily snatch me up

Yeah okay, have fun with that. I'll be there Saturday at 5, you better have some shrinks (drinks) and snacks ready for us

Mm okay okay, I'll see you then :) also mind sending me your number? I hate texting on this app

No not at all, it's (563)-555-0155

I'll make sure to text you Savanna :) stay safe

You too :)

I couldn't stop smiling, she seems really goofy but in a good way, and just playful in general. I went to get the fancy drinks from my closet and let them cool til Saturday.

I looked at the time

1:38 pm

Oh shit, I guess I missed the alarm that said it was feeding time for my pet. I immediately grabbed the veggie soup from the fridge. I went to go heat it up so that it wasn't cold but it also wasn't too hot. I went down the stairs so abruptly that I almost spilled the soup. I unlocked the door and walked in on him using the pretty flesh light I gave him.

"Awh don't you look adorable" I set the soup to the side. I guess I startled him because he stopped immediately.

"You don't have to stop puppy" I reassured him "keep going, let me see how needy you get"

He kept sliding the toy up and down on his pretty cock, it wasn't that big but it didn't really matter. I unlocked the door on his cage, and got closer. I could tell he was embarrassed but it was very adorable.

"Stop baby" I ordered

"Wha- why" he responded hazily

"Just do as I say, and you'll be safe"

He just looked at me with confused eyes. I stepped closer with every second and cupped his face.
"You've been so good for me baby" his body tensed up. I gripped his pretty neck and began kissing down his chest. I even teased his nipples a little bit.

"N-no please.. stop" he protested

"Let yourself enjoy it sweetheart, melt into my touch"

He let out a low groan as I kept playing with his nipples, I inched down to his waist so slowly just to hear him whine for more.

"Please.. please suck it"

"Suck what baby?"

"Suck my cock please! Please!!!" He whined

I did as I was told, but I did so very slowly, focusing on his head. I licked in a circular motion, while massaging his shaft and playing with his balls. He looked so adorable begging for me, but I just wanted to mess with him. I started going slower than before and really made him wait. Finally out of nowhere I took him in completely, and deep throated his pretty cock for a bit. Eventually he came in my mouth.

"You taste so good doggy" I muttered. Just imagine how good he'll actually taste? I brought him his warm soup and let him eat it on his own, of course I had to wait for him.

"So what do you do for a living" he wondered

"Well I'm a social psychologist, I basically deal with people who struggle to understand themselves and the world around them"

"You have such a nice life.. why would you do this to me"

"I'm keeping you safe love, plus I have other things planned for you, so don't worry okay?"

He just looked down for a bit

"Hey I'm done with my soup, but could you at least talk to me for a little bit more, I don't care what it's about. Just talk to me"

And so I did, we spent about an hour or so talking about life and all of that. Eventually it was time for his midday bathroom break, I leashed him up and took him to the bathroom outside. He finished up pretty quick and we went back into the room to put him back in his cage.

"I'll be back in a few, okay? Try not to stress yourself out darling, and remember I'm just here to take care of you"

"Okay.." he mumbled. I kissed his forehead, and left with the soup bowl. I quickly locked the door behind me and went straight upstairs.

I checked my phone to see if Savanna had messaged me, wait IM SUPPOSED TO MESSAGE HER. IM DUMB!

Hey it's Santi, save my number :)

FINALLY! I was waiting for a message from you

We talked for the rest of the week when we could, of course. I checked up on puppy often, he seemed to be understanding the gist of things around here, which was good! He was not as scared of me anymore, which was very good for me.

Even more exciting was the fact that I was finally going to hang with Savanna tomorrow, I already had the snacks and drinks ready for us. Now I just had to wait.

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