Chaper 1

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My meal was getting cold, but I couldn't care less because I was lost in an ocean of my thoughts. I don't know what came over me, but the idea of being alone until death sent chills down my spine. I was 29 already, but I've yet to meet someone worthy of my love, or at least someone who didn't get bored of me a month into our relationship.

It was hard to find people who would settle for my calm demeanor, everyone just wanted a wild card, or someone rebellious. To be honest it was kind of a turn off when people still acted like children at my age, but I'm not about to tell people what they can and can't do. After a while of thinking, I finally decided that I was going to become one of those desperate adults looking for some type of relationship. I pulled out my phone and went into the App Store, ah yes Tinder, the app that's full of ghosting, hook ups, and dick pics... I wasn't as excited for those as I used to be when I was younger.

I tried to find some decent pictures of myself when I realized that I really didn't have many, my camera roll was full of whiskers, my orange tabby. GOD I LOVE HIM SO MUCH LOOK AT HIS LITTLE FEETIES! the only good decision I've made since moving far away from my home town was adopting his annoying ass.

After my failed search for some recent pictures of me, I decided to take some, I went on the camera app and got spooked by my face in the front camera. JESUS FUCK I GOTTA SHAVE. and to the restroom I went...

I always felt nice after shaving but sometimes I'm just too lazy. After a while, I MEAN A LONG WHILE, I got some decent pics of myself, and for some extra flavor I added one mirror pic with whiskers. That'll definitely send animal enthusiasts my way!

My Bio was short and to the point, but nothing too forward

I'm 29, and looking for a long term relationship.
Graduate of ISU with a Doctorate in Social Psych
Currently working from home
Animal Enthusiast, Book Worm, and Occasional Video Game nerd

I think that was enough, all that was really left to do was select my preferences. I like men and women, at this point any pretty face would be nice.

Santiago Ramos

Finally I signed off, and began doing the swiping. I kinda swiped right on everyone that popped up for a better chance of finding more matches. My swipes had run out and that was my cue to let time do its job. I set my phone to the side, and went to go read a book while whiskers napped on my lap. He was my personal lap heater, I really did love him a lot, but he wasn't a human who could show me that kind of affection.

A few hours had passed and I put the book down, I had to massage my temples because reading in such low lit areas gave me bad head aches. I got up and went to the kitchen, and my soup was still there, cold as ever. A wave of disgust hit me, I didn't want to eat it anymore, so I just threw it out. I washed my dish and finally made my way to the comfort of my room. I laid down and immediately drifted into my sleep.

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