Chapter 5

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I watched her as she typed in the letters of the movie we were going to watch. She backed out again and left it blank. She was thinking very deeply about what she REALLY wanted. Even with her thought wrinkles she still looked beautiful, I wanted to grab her right then and there and kiss her, but it was the first date. That would be a bit strange..

"What're you staring at creep" she caught me off guard

"Uh your face... it looks dumb when you're thinking.."I blurted

"oh haha very funny.. I'm just trying to figure out what's good to watch" she defended

Again she began typing

W-E B-

As soon as she typed that a bunch of searches popped up.

"How about we watch a cartoon instead"

"Sure, why not" I didn't expect her to be a cartoon type of person but it was nice I guess. Something light

"We Bare Bears is my favorite cartoon. Wait no.. ADVENTURE TIME" she confessed. To be honest I've never heard of them since I'm not a huge TV person.

"I'm excited to watch it with you" I smiled. She pressed play and sat back to watch it. Every once in a while she would lean forward to grab a chip, then take a drink of her wine.

She was already four glasses of wine in and it wasn't anywhere near 8:00pm. Honestly it was kind of entertaining watching her focus so much on the TV

"Heeyyyy" she hiccuped

"Hi there"

"What about our one.. on one session" she slurred her words. She put down her glass of wine and crawled onto my lap. "It'll feel so nice, Santi"

I could feel myself getting hard already, I've never actually penetrated anyone, I just used my mouth to please others. She began grinding on my semi-hard growth. It felt so good, I kept bucking my hips upwards so she could feel my bulge. Finally something hit me, SHES DRUNK

"ah ah no no please get off" I panicked

"Does it not feel good sugar? I could try something else" she got off and began to unbuckle my belt. I smacked her hand away.

"No.. it's just that you're drunk and I can't do this" I confessed. I mean I could if I wanted to but I really didn't know her like that, plus I don't know if she would be happy when she was sober.

"oh." her eyes were drooping. She got off of me and I immediately covered my hard on.

"I just don't wanna hurt you, Savanna"

"Yeah yeah it's fine" her voice broke and she began crying. "I'm calling a Lyft" she said while putting her shoes on and stumbling to the door. She passed out before getting to the door fortunately. I picked her up and carried her to my bed, she was quite heavy. Probably because she was tall and I wasn't... either way it was a hassle taking her to my bed, but it was worth it. I tucked her in, and kissed her goodnight on her forehead. Of course she wouldn't know but still. I left a glass of water and some pain meds for when she woke up.

I went to the living room and set up a temporary bed. I laid down and kept watching the cartoon, it was very wholesome and I liked the art style of it.  I was already drifting off to sleep. Before finally letting my sleepiness take me over. I looked at the clock.


It felt like I had blinked, but the clock said otherwise.


I kept staring at the clock, the green numbers kept blinking at me, almost looking like some type of alarm.

PUPPY. FUCK. I LEFT HIM DOWN THERE ALL ALONE WITHOUT LUNCH OR DINNER. I quickly made my way down stairs and dropped my keys a few times while trying to unlock the door to his room.  He was knocked out in the corner of his cage, and there was a piss stain on the other corner. It smelled horrible. I unlocked his cage and softly woke him up. He had flinched when he saw me, but immediately started cowering at my feet.

"Sweetheart I'm so so sorry, I forgot to take you out to use the restroom and bring you food, I passed out on the couch" I said panicking while wiping his mess away with a rag.

He looked so concerned but didn't speak. I guess he was still tired, because he passed out on my feet. Poor baby.. I cleaned his cage up and disinfected it. I even wiped him down while he was knocked out, to remove that top layer of dirt from him. I stayed in the cage with him, and fell asleep for a few hours. When I woke up again, he was still knocked out. I felt so bad. I got up and dusted myself off. As I was leaving the room, I saw the figure of someone standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"Hey.. I was lookin for you when I saw the door open, I figured you were down here"

My eyes widened

"uh we need to go back up stairs RIGHT NOW" I panicked in a low voice just so I didn't wake puppy up.

"I'm sorry, was I not supposed to be here?"

"NO please go back up stairs.." I ordered

She blindly obeyed and I got my wooden stick and hit the back of her head as she was going back up. I couldn't have her remembering that she was down here or that this place is even here. She had already seen too much.

I picked up her limp body and it was twice as hard to take her back up to bed, since I was very tired and it was further away than before. I struggled getting her up the stairs, but I somehow managed to do it. 

I always knew the force I had to use on people before knocking them out, especially since she wasn't the first and definitely won't be the last.

I finally got us to my room, and laid her back down. I set a few more pain pills for when she woke up because I knew that was going to be sore. I'll tell her that she fell on the corner of the coffee table before attempting to leave.

As I was leaving my room, I looked down and I was hard. Her head was pressing on my cock as I dragged her up the stairs and to my room. I quickly went to the restroom to get off, it felt so nice. It was still embarrassing.

I went to the couch and sat down. I hadn't realized that the TV was still on.

Are you still watching?

I clicked yes and continued watching the cartoon from last night.

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