Chapter 2

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I walked down into my basement and there he was, blindfolded, gagged, and chained to my radiator. Whiskers tried to follow me in, but I didn't want him to see, so I gently shoved him back through the door with my foot. I never let him down here, and he always screams at the door, so I could let him in but it wasn't safe.

"Hi pretty boy" I teased. He only flinched at the words, and began grunting through the gag.

"Aren't you gonna say hi back? Oh that's right your pretty mouth is gagged. You should've listened when I asked you to stop screaming last night. These walls may be sound proof, but my ears are sensitive doll"

I inched closer with caution, I was afraid he was going to break the chain, which was quite irrational since it was a heavy duty steel. I softly caressed his cheek, he was shivering. As I stepped closer I got a whiff of something funky... poor thing had been sitting in his own piss.

"Awh sweetheart you made a mess? That's not very sanitary, lemme get you cleaned up"

I quickly ran to my safety kit and got some disinfectant wipes, and wiped him down.

"Get up, I'm going to move you to the other side. And don't try to play any games with me, I don't want to hurt you" I reached for my keys and unchained him. He tried to run but I stepped on the chain he was dragging, which quickly brought him to the floor

"What the fuck did I say? Are you fucking stupid?" I snapped. I raised my hand at him and immediately put it down. Of course he saw nothing but I could see his blindfold getting damp, and he began to whimper.

"Hey, I'm sorry.. you're not stupid okay? None of this is your fault, you just have to try and cooperate with me, understood?" I apologized

He nodded softly.

"Good boy" I patted his head. I chained him down to a pole and began mopping his mess. I had to make sure everything looked tidy, or else it would bother me.

I went up stairs, to get some food, it was mostly vegetables. When I returned I saw him struggling to get loose.

"Your efforts are futile, love" I said as I closed the door behind me. I got closer to him once again.

"I'm going to take off your gag so I could feed you, you're going to get three servings of veggies a day, with different variations of course" I reached for the buckle at the back of his head and took it off

"HELP HELP, PLEASE FUCKING HELP! IM LOCKED IN SOMEONES BASEMENT HEEELLP!!" He cried. I sent a heavy backhand his way and drew some blood

"What did I say? If you're not going to work with me, I'll just kill you right now"

He went completely white and his eyes widened.

"No no no please no don't do that"

"Okay then, WORK WITH ME, I'm trying to be nice" I stated. "Open your mouth" he obeyed and I gave him a spoonful of veggies. "Chew thoroughly, baby" I gave him another spoonful.

"You look so pretty when you're actually listening" I joked.

Eventually he finished his meal, and I gave him praise. He deserved it for being so good.

"Okay pup, come with me" I pulled on his leash

"I'm going to keep you in this pretty room okay? It's also sound proof and the walls are made of thick concrete, screaming won't do you any good other than straining your voice"

The room was small but had enough space to fit a decent sized cage made of two layers of tempered glass. Inside that cage was a comfy mattress with pillows, a few sex toys, a hand held game boy, and a Tv remote. Of course the tv was outside of the cage, all he could do was change the channels.

"Do you see that red button at the corner of your cage? I want you to press it if you ever get lonely, or if there is an emergency. I will take you to use the restroom when you wake up, near half of the day, and when it is bedtime"

He just looked up at me with those big eyes, and I held his cheek and told him he could use whatever was in his cage.
"I'll be back in a few hours for your next meal and bathroom break, just sit tight for me" I kissed his forehead, but I could tell he was still scared of me, which was understandable.

I closed the door behind me and waved good bye to him while he was in his cage, then I left the room and locked it from the outside. I really hope he starts to get comfortable with me soon, because if not the meat will be tougher and not as good if he stays as stressed as he is. I try to be a good owner, I give them things to entertain themselves with and enough food to keep them nice and full. I really hope he does come around and realizes how lucky he is.

I noted that it usually takes a month for them to get comfortable, and that time might be less because I try to improve my holding area every single time.

After all of that thinking I was getting hungry myself, so I went upstairs and ordered some Chinese. They said it was going to take about an hour to get here but I didn't mind. I sat in my recliner and noticed my phone was going off more than usual. I checked it and remembered that I put myself on a dating app. I felt a bit ashamed but what can I say, I'm desperate.

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