Another Letter From the Author

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Hello again,

Congrats for making it through the end of Amelia and Leo's journey!

Did you laugh? Did you cry? Did you feel depressed and uplifted at the same time?

Because I did. I felt all of that and more.

I can't express how important it was for me to write this book. I hold it so close to my heart because of how precious everyone's journey has been getting here.

Amelia Harrison, the girl who lived a part of life blaming herself for something her brother was accused of.

Leo Kennedy, the boy who lived with the burden of not being able to protect his loved ones.

Andre Perez, who was always there for his best friends despite having demons of his own.

Jamal Bronco, the quirky basketball player who wore his heart on his sleeve, not being afraid to show others how he felt about them.

Gemma Pollard, the hard-headed girl who didn't let others' judgments of her friends, shape her own.

Cassandra, Jerry, Laura, and James, all the parents who protected their kids more than they were obligated to.

Levi and Clara, the ones who witnessed the pain of accidents caused by others first hand.

They had all been through so much. But in the end, they became the healers for each other. They found a way to move on from their pasts, simply by making others their future. They didn't let the demons of their past weigh them down, rather, defeated them together. They found strength in each other to carry on.

I had said earlier that I wasn't sure if I wanted to write this book, and the reason for that was that I knew I'd cry a thousand times, I'd laugh a hundred more, and I'd definitely be the biggest fan for my own book. All because these characters are so pure, and so close to my heart.

Lastly, the reason for writing this book is very personal for me. I did it because I realize that we live in a world where people like to judge too easily. Where people can point at someone and tell them their story, without knowing an ounce of it.

Don't do it.

Don't guess someone's story for them. Ask them yourself. Get to know them. Don't be afraid to break barriers for a stranger. Become a helping hand for someone, instead of fisting it up and knocking them down. Be the person you wish someone would be for you, if you were in their position.

And if you're on the other side, if you're afraid to be yourself like Amelia was, just know that someone out there is ready to hold your hand and help guide you. Take the step. Share your story. Be brave. Talk to someone (I'm always open for conversations) if you need to. Find someone to trust with your story.

Become invincible.

Love wholeheartedly, love humanely.

And finally, thank you all for your love and support! Thank you for following their story, and I hope it made a difference in yours.

-Love, Meep

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