Chapter 53- Taunting Prayers

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The world was spinning. 

Gemma's words were pounding through my skull.

"She's gone. Amelia... she's gone Leo."

I could barely register anything. I couldn't register that my phone slipped from my hands, or that I fell to the ground with a thud, my hands reaching for my head.

'It couldn't be. It couldn't be...'

That was all I repeated in my head.

'Abolutely not. Amelia isn't gone anywhere.'

After a few moments, a voice pulled me out of my reverie. 

I looked up through my blurred vision to see Fatima leaning over me. Her face was pulled up in concern and she was saying something to me. It sounded disoriented and in a different language.

Was she praying for me?

She must be.

Maybe that was what I needed right now. Or maybe I didn't. Maybe a prayer couldn't save me right now. 

Maybe nothing could.

I could feel myself falling. Falling into an empty hole.

My heart was aching.

'Where is she, where is she, where is-'

My heart fell to my stomach, and bile was rising up my throat.

'Amelia, Amelia, Amelia, Moonie-'

Another face broke out in my vision. I looked up to see Jamal looking down at me in concern. He suddenly reached a hand forward, and then it seemed like the world was spinning again. I felt taller now. Almost as tall as him. I took me a moment to figure out that he just pulled me off of the ground. He shook me using my jacket, and that caused me to only look up to him in surprise.

"Snap out of it, Leo! She's not dead!"

And that finally pulled me out of the void I was in.

And then he was pulling me.

He dragged me away from her room, and even though I wanted to fight him, I couldn't. 

Jamal had wrapped his arm around me, and forced me to walk. It took great effort, and somehow, we ended up in front of another foreign building. Another dormitory.

We somehow made it into the elevator, and Jamal finally turned to me.

"It's okay mate. We'll find her. She'll be fine."

I swallowed back the tears at his words.

The elevator tinged and we stumbled forward. This time, I moved without Jamal's help, wanting to get to wherever we needed to right away. I wanted to find Amelia right now.

Jamal lead us to a door, and he made his way inside before knocking. I quickly followed inside and closed the door behind me.

Sobs wracked through the room. I swallowed and looked up to see Gemma sobbing, her face hidden in Andre's chest. Andre was sitting beside her, his hand in her hair to calm her down. When she heard the door, Gemma quickly whipped her head up. Her eyes quickly found mine, asking the question I had been wanting to ask her myself.

"L-Leo, where is she?" she asked.

I deflated. Gemma didn't know either. I sighed and took a step toward her.

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