Chapter 11- Taunting Friendships

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I tapped my pen against the edge of the table and continued to have a stare-down with the door. Due to this, every person that walked through the door was unfortunately on the receiving end of my glare.

The reason I had been burning holes into the door, was that I was impatiently waiting for a certain brunette to walk through. I finally understood what the boys had been complaining about all this time. Granted, it took Amelia leaving away for a few days for me to realize this, but now that I had, I wasn't going to turn back.

Andre was right when he said that having another friend, although I don't consider her one yet, was not bad. Lunch was more interesting than usual yesterday, and I had found myself even engaging in some of the conversation around me. 

It was actually kind of fun. 

But heck if I admitted that out loud. 

Just as I finished thinking of yesterday's lunch, she walked in. 

Today, instead of her hair falling down in their natural waves, she had it pulled back to form a messy bun around her head. For once, her hood was lowered, revealing her face to me. As she got closer, I noticed the dark circles beneath her eyes, her chapped lips, and her puffy cheeks. 

Either she had been running late, or she got no sleep last night. Or both. 

As she made her way up the ramp, I found myself leaning towards her. Seeing as she seemed so disturbed, I wanted to ask if everything was okay. 

However, Amelia kept walking and eventually continued past me without a look in my direction.

'Has she never noticed me?'  I thought stupidly. 

She continued walking up the ramp and took a spot near the top. After a few moments, she started pulling out her things. I watched her curiously, wondering what was going on. Her eyes looked glazed over, as if she wasn't living in the present, rather, was reminiscing about something of the past.

Suddenly, the professor's booming voice snapped me back to reality. I turned back around to face the front and listened to the lecture, occasionally stealing glances at the girl at the back of the class. 

* * *

For once, Amelia joined us for lunch on a Tuesday. Apparently, Andre had texted her to let her know where we were. She had left right after class, and when I left, I couldn't see her anywhere.

When I came to Coffee Rush, she wasn't there yet. However, Andre, and the girl we met yesterday were already there. Jamal was probably at practise. I took my spot across from Andre and nodded to the duo. They said their greetings in response and I simply sat in my chair, put my textbook on the table, and threw my head onto it. 

I was nearly asleep, when something Andre said to the new girl, Gemma, caught my attention. 

"You two seemed like you knew each other, yesterday," Andre said. 

I lazily popped my eyes open, wondering who he was talking about. 

"Yeah, we're actually from the same hometown," Gemma said. 

Andre's eyes widened in surprise. 

"Really? What a coincidence!" he said. 

Gemma nodded and opened her mouth to speak further. However, before she could elaborate, the sound of the bell jingling caught our attention. We all turned in hopes to see Amelia, and finally, it was her. 

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