Chapter 23-Taunting Explanations

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[] A M E L I A []

"Red or blue?" Brittany asked, holding up two dresses for me to see.

I lazily opened an eye and pointed to the blue. She let out a dramatic sigh.

"You're not even looking!" she complained.

I sighed and popped both eyes open, then pointed to the blue again. She turned to the floor-length mirror behind her and let out a satisfied smile.

"Blue it is then."

I rolled my eyes at her. Just then, there was a knock at my door.

"Come in," I sang.

Levi poked his head through the door and I gave him a questioning look. From what I knew, he wasn't supposed to be back from work until 7, and it was only 5 in the evening now.

"What 'cha doing?" I asked.

"Just here to- oh hey Brittany," he suddenly said, completely turning his attention to her.

Brittany waved to him and continued checking her outfit out in the mirror. He continued staring at her dreamily, and I had to chuck a pillow at him to get his attention. He snapped out of his daze after that and turned to glare at me. Then, he quickly turned his attention back to Brittany.

"So Brittany..." he started.

She mumbled out a 'Mhmm' and he continued.

"Who you heading to the party with?" he casually asked.

I rolled my eyes at him from my spot on the couch.

Brittany did the same and turned to face him.

"Listen... I already clarified that I'm not interested. I'm dating John now and that's how I would like it to stay. We are both going to the party together."

At this, he frowned and pulled away from the wall.

"Why him?" he simply asked.

Brittany sighed.

"Because I'm in love with him."

My eyes widened at this newfound information and I got up from the couch from the shock of what she said. Although I knew that what she felt for John was more than mere infatuation, I never thought she would admit to being in love with him only after a few months of dating.

My brother was in the same state of shock as me, since his mouth fell agape at her words.

"Wh-what? You- you can't," he spluttered.

She frowned.

"Of course I can. I already have."

"You can't!" he angrily said, taking a step closer to her.

Brittany stood her ground and looked him straight in the eye. The atmosphere was getting heavier by the second and I made an attempt to switch up the conversation.

"Uh, guys. Break it up," I said, walking closer to the duo.

However it was no use.

"Why not?" Brittany simply asked, folding her arms over her chest.

"Because I'm in love with you!" he exclaimed.

At this, Brittany's eyes softened.

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