A Letter from the Author

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If you've made it this far, then that means you have had a glimpse of the description, and are probably wondering, "What the heck?"

Well, you're not alone. 

There were many times I thought about this book and whether or not I should post it. It's a dark topic, one I wasn't sure where it was leading up to. But when it hit me, it me hard. 

So why the heck did I write this book?

The answer is simple: I wrote this book for the unknown people.

The ones who are often forgotten about when a tragedy hits. It's about the ones left behind. I promise it's not as sad as it sounds (and if you know me, then you know I love my humor), but at the same time, I cried many times while writing this. It's one that is close to my heart, because it's written for the special ones.

And if you're reading this, then I mean you.

Yes, you.

And now your eyes are probably bulging out of your head, wondering why I'm comparing a character who's brother is a murderer, to you.

Because like the characters in this book, you'll find a time in life when nothing seems to go right. When no matter how hard you try, your past or present, will try and hold you back. But of course, if you've held on till now, that means there was a reason, a glimmer of hope. And trust me, one day, your patience will pay off. Until then, you can read about how it paid off for others. 

So here it is, a book for the forgotten ones.

Happy (and sad) reading,

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