Chapter 52- Taunting Departures

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Did she know she looked angelic when she slept?

Her hair sprawled out behind her, her lips slightly parted, and the damn sun that was glowing over. She was lying on her side, her leg sprawled over my own, leaving a warm trail running through my body.

She looked like something straight out of heaven.

I had woken up nearly an hour ago, but I couldn't bring myself to move. I could only stare at Amelia, stealing a kiss every few minutes or so. I couldn't help it. She looked breathtaking.

I watched her freely, basking in everything that was her. Unable to help myself, I slowly brought a hand up and trailed it over her features. First her arms, then the crevice between her shoulder and neck, then her jaw, her eyes, her nose, and finally, her lips. I sucked in a sharp breath, remembering how she grabbed me and crashed my lips to hers last night. And God, what a kiss that was.

For being my second, I think it was the best I could ever have.

My first was also her. And granted I hadn't kissed her properly then, but she was still my first, as she was with many other things. For one, she was the first girl I had ever sang to, and more importantly, apologized to. She was the first person I could freely share my past with. The first person I planned a date for. And certainly the first girl I ran to the supermarket to get makeup wipes for. The first one I setup a bath for. The first one I had introduced to my family- the list could go on.

Amelia was my first for many things. But with her, I never wanted it to end. I wanted to experience everything with her. I wanted many new firsts with her. I wanted to be with her.

And now, staying away from girls all my life didn't seem so bad. Because at the end of it, Amelia was waiting for me. And that was an ending I could spend all my life as a loner for.

I left one more kiss on her cheek, and that's when she finally stirred. I slowly pulled back, resting my cheek on my palm with my elbow propped up against my pillow, simply watching her. I watched as she slowly opened her eyes, sighing and stretching out a little in her spot on the bed. She moved her leg away from mine and leaned back onto her back.

That's when her eyes finally landed on me. She smiled shyly at me, causing my heart to stir.

I laughed lightly at that, her shyness seeming amusing to me in this situation. We had slept together many times before, and never got shy afterwards. Awkard, angry, sad, but never shy. This confirmed that something had changed in Amelia's feelings towards me, and that caused my heart to soar.

I finally let out a breath and spoke.

"Morning, Moonie," I said, reaching forward to cup her cheek.

"Good morning, Leo," she replied, her face snuggling into my palm.

I grinned down at her, and unable to help it, I quickly reached down to press a soft kiss to her forehead. She squeaked in surprise, and I laughed lightly at her before quickly pulling myself away from her. If I stayed in the same bed as her for a minute longer, I don't know what I'd end up doing with her.

I stood up straight, stretching out my limbs that had been paralyzed for the past hour or so. As I did this, I noticed Amelia discretely checking me out, and I couldn't help but feel pride in that.

My girl was checking me out.

I repeat, my girl was checking me out.

And I didn't mind that one bit. 

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