Chapter 64- Taunting Shots

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[] A M E L I A []

A dull ache resided in the back of my head. My eyelids felt heavy and I groaned as I tried to open them. It felt like a daunting task. Each nerve felt as if it was on fire as I slowly opened my eyes.

When I woke, I saw two things. The first, that I was in some dark open room. Boxes lined the sides and puddles of water were splattered all over the floor. The second thing I saw, was a masked man holding a gun to my head.

My eyes widened in horror.

I tried to get up, to move, to do anything. But my hands didn't cooperate. I then looked down to see that I was tied to some sort of chair. My wrists were wrapped tightly in a rope around the metal chair, my ankles the same around the chair legs. I yanked at the rope, and froze when the cool metal of the gun pressed against my forehead. My throat went dry at the sensation. I looked up fearfully, trying to catch a glimpse of my captor, but it was futile with the mask they had on.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," the voice spoke.

I tried to pinpoint that voice, but I couldn't recognize it. Despite feeling utterly terrified, I spoke to the man.

"Who are you?"

To my surprise, the man let out a laugh.

"Oh, of course you wouldn't recognize me, Amelia Harrison. Let me remind you who I am."

And then he did the unthinkable. The man lunged forward and wrapped his hand around my throat. I gasped with the impact, my chair tilting back as I tried to get out of the man's hold. In that moment, I caught sight of the guy's eyes. I trembled with a whole other fear then.

I knew this man.

I knew him too well.

He had me in the same hold before, four years ago. Two weeks after Brittany's death.

"Remember me now, princess?"

A few tears escaped me as I saw him.

"Brian," I choked out.

He laughed then, thrashing my chair down wildly. His hand let go of my throat once the  hair was on the ground. I choked wildly, my eyes watering with the impact of his choke hold.

He continued to laugh as I coughed. After a few moments, I regained ny breath and looked up. He had taked his mask off now, revealing his face.

I watched him as he came towards me and grabbed a hold of my hair and pushed my face up to look him in the eye.

"Oh princess. Isn't this fun? It's like old times. Right after Brittany's death. Remember that? When we had you thrown in that storage room? Or when I had you in this same choke hold soon after that?" He taunted. Then he brought his face even closer, pulling my hair tighter. "You were so chicken to say anything then. How fucking naive."

To both of our surprise, I stood my ground and stared at him with a steely gaze.

"Where is he?" I said through gritted teeth.

Brian looked at me in confusion.

"Where is Jackson."

It wasn't a question this time.

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