Chapter 31- Taunting Revelations

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I walked to class, sniffling a little as I did so. Although last night was one of the best nights I ever had, the aftermath of it wasn't so much fun. I had been coughing since last night and I felt a headache crawling into my head every now and then. 

However, nothing could stop the darn smile that played at my lips all day. 

I tried acting cool about what happened last night, but truth was, I wasn't. 

My head had been in a turmoil all night, all because of the brown-eyed girl who cried for me. The girl who finally showed me that I wasn't a failure when it came to my family. 

The girl that showed me that I wasn't bad. 

I let out a content breath and continued my trek towards English class. Once in, I made my way to my regular seat and found Amelia already siting in her spot. She was wearing the same giant scarf she had on yesterday and the only reason I saw her face was because her hair was up in a bun. 

I casually made my way over and settled down in the seat next to hers. As I did so, her gaze temporarily fleeted to mine and she gave me a small smile. I returned the gesture and started pulling out my materials for class. 

Once I was settled, I let out a deep breath and turned to face Amelia. She was writing down something in her notebook, and I saw that she was copying notes from another lecture. I cleared my throat to get her attention and she finally tore her gaze from her notebook and turned to me, her eyebrows raised.

"Are you all set for tomorrow?" I asked casually.

She nodded at me, a small grin playing at her lips. Suddenly, her brows furrowed and she pulled her lip between her teeth. My gaze flickered there involuntarily. I had to swallow before shifting my gaze back to her eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked. 

"Uh... No offence, but why are you taking me?" she asked. 

I let out a small 'hmph' at her question, and in return, her eyes widened and she slapped a hand over her mouth. 

"Wow, that was a stupid way to phrase it," she muttered to herself, finally dropping her hands back to her sides. 

I was only able to stare at her amused, and she lowered her head in embarrassment. After a few moments of silence, I leaned in closer to her, getting her attention once again. 

"Well Moonie, I assumed that as a good friend, I should pull you out of the four very claustrophobic walls of your dorm for a weekend getaway," I said, in a voice only she could hear. 

At my words, she turned her attention to me, a flat look etched onto her face. This made me grin and I pulled away from her, shaking my head at her. 

"Don't say it's not true," I said. 

She only huffed in response. 

After another beat of silence, Amelia spoke again. 

"But really, Leo. Why me? I mean, I'd love to meet your family, but... maybe I'm not the best impression of our little friend circle here..." she trailed off. 

My brows furrowed at her words and I turned towards her, confused about what she meant. 

"What are you talking about Amelia?"

She bit her lip once more, her eyes holding a certain sadness I couldn't comprehend. 

"I just... I get why you want me to come along... But maybe they don't need that. You guys finally have some sort of normalcy in your life. Maybe I shouldn't go?" she sheepishly said. 

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