Chapter 18: Plans Changed

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The time seemed to be going slow. That is until blood piercing screams were heard from outside the door. Anna stood staring at the door. The plan was to get out, but they had no way until someone opened the door. Until the plan changed when the door opened causing Anna to back away seeing someone thrown in. The tiny girl's eyes widened as they looked at the girl's body up and down. She fell to her knees quickly, turning Y/N over onto her side, meeting a bloody and bruised face. Anna's eyes rose meeting Dr. Richards as she shook her head. Tommy and Dan came in. Tommy stood by the door as Dan walked in and over to Brittany, holding her hands behind her back, not allowing her to go anywhere.

"What the hell?" Anna shouted. Dr. Richards smirked and cupped his hands together.

"What's the matter dear?" Dr. Richards asks. Anna shakes her head standing, gently placing Y/N's head back on the floor.

"She's a kid! What the hell are you doing?!" Anna's voice rose and it caused Dr. Richards to chuckle. "Did your parents not LOVE YOU? WHAT MAKES A PERSON DESTROY OTHER PEOPLE? ESPECIALLY A KID. A KID! YOU'RE INSANE!"

"You're right, I am. And that's why I'm doing this," Dr. Richards simply said. Anna stepped over Y/N and stood in front of Dr. Richards. Dr. Richards looked down at her as Anna's head had to tilt back in order to see the tall man. "And I'm sorry for anything... You all deserve what's coming."

"Why? Because we killed all your so-called men? Because we actually all care for each other and you don't care about a damn thing?"

"Girly, you better watch your tone with me." Anna shook her head, reaching her hand behind her back. "Girl, you better watch yourself."

"Or what? You're going to kill me?" Anna pauses, feeling her fingers wrap around the stake she made. "You're already planning on it, might as well start now." Dr. Richards shakes his head, laughters escaping his lips through his beard. His lips separate ready to speak, but before he could Anna ran towards him, stake out and driving it into his stomach. Tommy and Dan stood still watching. Anna stood with the stake in her hand, pushing it further and further, twisting, feeling a wet substance come onto her hand. Her eyes didn't leave Richards till her eyes widened. Her beautiful blue eyes glanced down to see a knife placed into her own stomach. She let go of the stake in Dr. Richards and stumbled back, feeling the knife pulled out as she fell to the floor.

"Oh dear," Dr. Richards chuckles. "My knife has a mind of its own. Oops." A cry escaped from Brittany, fighting against Dan. Her ginger curls bouncing all around as Dan held her, restraining her. Dr. Richards bent down looking at the tiny brunette. His eyes moved down to where he had the knife. Blood pouring out and he smiled, reaching his hand down, soon taking two fingers and pushing on it causing more blood to spill out and have screams of pain escape Anna.

"Dan tied Brittany up. Tommy handed me my gun then both of you leave us," Dr. Richards commanded. Both boys quickly did as told. Brittany was put on the ground, Dan tying her hands together quickly and tightly, and doing the same to her ankles. He stood and exited the room as Tommy came in and handed Dr. Richards his gun. Once he did, he left the room leaving Anna, Brittany, and Y/N alone with Dr. Richards. The man glanced up at the windows seeing headlights. A smirk inching to his lips as he looked towards Brittany. "Let the real fun begin."

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