Chapter 16: A Try

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"Mmm," a soft moan escaped Brittany. Anna picked her head and body up glancing towards the ginger haired girl. Brittany turned her head to lock eyes with the tiny brunette. "A-A-Anna?"

"I'm right here Britt. I'm right here," Anna said, softly wanting nothing more than to hold the ginger. "Does anything hurt? What did he do to you?"

"It's o-okay Anna," Brittany whispered sitting up some, until a yelp echoed through the empty room. Anna's eyes softened even more watching the ginger in pain.

"What hurts Britt?" Anna watches Brittany lean her head back and close her eyes. "Britt talk to me. I need to know if-"

"Anna I'm fine," Brittany speaks cutting the tiny girl off. Anna bites her lip sitting up. "There's j-just a couple cuts and bruises. It-It's fine."

"You don't look fine though," Anna mumbles looking to the door. It opens swiftly in coming Lexi and Tommy. The girl's eyes land on Anna's and a huge smile takes over her face. Anna leans up against the pole waiting for the next move until Tommy walks over, straight for Anna.

"You're turn brunette," Lexi chuckles, her heels heard clicking and clacking as she exits. Anna's blue eyes look to Tommy's. He avoids eye contact, untying the girl. But once she's untied she immediately throws punches and kicking. Eventually hitting Tommy in the end zone causing him to turn and fall to the ground a moment. Anna's eyes look over to Brittany and quickly run over. She unties the ginger haired and helps her stand.

"You should've we-went without me," Brittany whispered as they walked towards the door.

"I would never leave you Britt," Anna whispered back as they make a left at the door. They walk down a narrow hall, looking all around as they travel until a loud siren is heard. Anna stops walking backing up against a door with Brittany right next to her. The siren ringing throughout the halls.

"What d-do we do?" Brittany questions bending over a bit. Anna bites her lip, sadness filling her eyes as she looks around. Without speaking she takes over carrying Brittany, making their way down the hall they were still traveling. They make few turns then continue straight still another loud buzzing is alarmed and a trigger is pulled. A loud echo appears through the hall as Brittany stumbles and begins to fall. Anna helps her to the ground looking her over seeing she wasn't shot but paralzyed.

"Now, now. She'll be alright dear," Dr. Richards voice spoke. Anna picked her head up locking eyes with the middle aged man. She stood to her feet running towards him and banging her fist against him, trying to reach his face. But it's no use as the older man takes the girl and throws her to the side, where her body comes in contact with the wall. She falls to the floor and lays there a moment seeing Dr. Richards glance over his right shoulder and give Tommy and another boy a nod. They walk over and immediately start kicking the young girl and doing whatever they could to harm her.

High pitched screams echoed through the hall as the other boy had drawn a baton and striking Anna with it, multiple times. Repeatedly the tiny girl was struck and kicked and then soon punched in the face. "That's enough she's out of it. Tommy take her to the room. Dan take Brittany back to their original room."

"Got it boss," both Dan and Tommy spoke. Dan put away the baton and walked over to Brittany, tossing her over his shoulder and walking away. Anna's eyes slowly close and open watching the boy take Brittany, until Tommy picks her up, tossing her over his shoulder. She yelps in pain feeling bruises already forming.

"I'll meet you there Tommy, I got to check on a few things," Dr. Richards said, walking away. Tommy nods walking in the direction Anna and Brittany were heading to a room. He opens the door with a key card and walks down the stairs. He opens another door and tosses her in.

"T-Tommy," Anna mumbled. Tommy bent down looking at the girl tilting his head. "P-Please don't l-let him hu-hurt her." The boy said nothing as he stood and exited the room. Anna laid, her head turning to look up till she met with familiar eyes. "Y-Y/N?"


The girl jumped awake feeling her body burn and ache all over. She looks around realizing she's back in the room her and Brittany were originally in, but she wasn't tied up or chained. She was just laying there in a fetus position. Anna carefully used her forearms to prop herself up, examining the room not able to move any farther, till she sees Brittany sitting against the wall with her knees drawn to her chest, eyes glued to the floor.

"B-Britt?" Anna spoke out. Brittany jumped at the sudden voice and the two girls lock eyes. Brittany gently stands and walks towards Anna, bending down in front of her. "W-What happened? You l-look like you've s-seen a g-ghost." A soft chuckle escaped from Anna as Brittany bends down in front of her, helping Anna sit up.

"It's because I did..but didn't," Brittany speaks, gently. Her eyes full of questions and concern. Anna examines the girl's face and tilts her head, waiting for the ginger to continue. "Anna, I saw Y/N."

"Th-That's impossible Britt," Anna snickered leaning back against the wall, putting her arm over her stomach.

"No Anna..." Brittany bite her lip as Anna looked back into her eyes. "I saw Y/N alive and well."

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