Chapter 11: Traitor

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Her eyes flutter open slowly, adjusting to the dim lighting. "Anna?" A familiar voice whispered. Cold hands were placed upon Anna's tiny body, shaking her gently. The blue eyed girl closes her eyes for a moment before hearing a terrible scream. She flies up looking around. Her eyes scanned the unfamiliar room. Then looked down at her body seeing a pair of leggings and a plain white t-shirt. She puts her hands against the wall and pulls herself up just as a door lock clicks. Anna's eyes dart to a dark colored solitary door.

"Hey Anna," Lexi said, with a small smile. Anna's head tilted and her eyes squinted.

"Lexi? Where the hell am I?" Anna questioned walking towards Lexi feeling her head pound causing her to stop walking. She bent over feeling hands on her back. She jumped and backed up looking to the young girl. "What happened?"

"You don't remember?" Lexi questioned, a smirk spreading against her lips. Anna stood up straight making eye contact with the 17 year old girl. She shook her head from side to side. "Oh, what do you remember?" Anna bites her lip thinking a moment before speaking.

"Us sitting in our room and you telling me about your sister," Anna responds, putting her hand on her head feeling dried up blood from a cut on her forehead. Lexi chuckles out loud a bit causing Anna to give her a questioning look. "Lexi..where are we?"

"Well here's the thing... " the girl's voice trailed off as her left hand reached behind her. Anna noticing, watches closely. "I knocked you out and took you under the rehab facility. And that's where hm someone you're not really happy with was, waiting with the getaway van."

"What-" Before Anna could say what she wanted she saw a syringed pulled from behind Lexi's back. The girl's eyes widened and she took off right for the door. Lexi reaches out, her finger tips scratching the young girl's arm, but luckily the young girl made it to the door. She took a left only to get stopped and hands wrapped around her upper arms. Her eyes darted up to meet one's she feared the most.

"Dr. Richards..."

"Hello love, miss me?" He spoke before taking the young actress and throwing her body into the wall. Anna's head hit the wall, falling to the ground. Her eyes closed for a second then reopen to see Lexi running over and a sharp pinch felt going into the young actress's arm.

"You're so strong," Anna whispers. "Especially for a seventeen year old, you are so strong Lex." With those words Lexi leaned forwards wrapping her arms around Anna, beginning to cry silently. Anna leans into Lexi, holding her closely looking down to the bed a moment then back up to meet Y/N's Y/E/C eyes. Y/N stays leaned against the wall with her arms crossed with a small smile to her lips and gives Anna a simple nod. A small smile spreads against Anna's lips as she looks away.

The two girls pull away and look into one another's eyes. "Thank you Anna. But you're strong too you know," Lexi smiled nodding her head. Anna tilted her head. "I mean. You dealt with so much I'm surprised you're still alive." Anna's smile faded and she slide her legs off of the couch, getting up.

"Okay, ouch," Anna mumbled walking over to the desk seeing Y/N sitting on top of the desk, watching closely. Anna stays in eye contact with Y/N while a squeak appears behind her.

"Did I say something wrong? Or do you see that child?" Lexi questioned. Anna bit her lip, feeling her hands tighten, growing into fists. Y/N's head shook no, watching Anna's anger build up.

"Don't," the simple word escaped the young girl's voice as she watched the actress. Lexi however took a few steps towards Anna, reaching over grabbing the lamp. "Turn around."

"Lexi I don't-" Anna turns on her heels and sees the lamp coming towards her. Before she could move she feels it hit her head, stumbling back. Her vision becoming a bit blurry but tries to get away.

"Don't fight it Anna," Lexi whispered grabbing the young girl and throwing her into the wall. Anna leans against the wall, fighting to keep her eyes open, but feels her body slowly slide down to the ground. Her blue eyes meet Lexi's who's staring at her on the phone. "They're down? I'm on my way." Lexi hangs up and slides the phone into her back pocket. "Let's go little lady." The girl bends down picking up the actress and tossing her over her shoulder, walking out of the room and down the hall till she spots a door with it being held open by a boy in a security uniform.

"He's waiting for you," the man spoke pointing down the stars. Lexi nods making her way down with Anna on her shoulder. A smile spreads from ear to ear on the young girl's lips as she makes her way through the tunnel, while Anna's eyes finally shut and everything turns into blackness.

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