Chapter 3: Ghost

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The tiny girl gets out of the shower and gets dressed into the black dress Brittany had placed on the door. Anna stood in front of the bathroom door staring at herself. The black dress showing off her breasts a bit, her hair drying slowly. Her hands reach up, running them through her wet hair. A song played off in the distance. Brittany liked to listen to music as she made stuff.

"Anna, breakfast!" Brittany's voice shouted. Anna took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom, her bare feet hitting the carpet. She walked out of the bedroom meeting Brittany's eyes who stare at the tv. The brunette's eyes follow Brittany's glance to see the TV.

"The facility Anna Kendrick was held hostage at finally found. Dead bodies were found everywhere as investigators are searching around the place. They found several other hostages connected to machines and have weird symptoms. Birth records of Y/N Clemmings had been found, those of you who don't know Y/N Clemmings, she was the 16 year old girl who saved Anna Kendrick's life. Who tried everything she could to protect her alongside Y/N's birth parents, Asha and Lucas Clemmings."

The TV turned off. Anna turned looking to Brittany. Brittany bit her lip looking to Anna. "Anna, let's eat, okay?" Brittany spoke, unsure of what to really say. Anna said nothing as she walked over and sat down at the table, where Brittany placed down an Eggo waffle with chocolate chips in it. Anna picked up the syrup and placed it on the Eggo. She slowly began eating, Brittany joining alongside her. Until Brittany finished faster than the tiny girl. She got up and went to get herself dressed. Anna sat alone, her mind replaying the news over and over again until her brain rushed to the night her and Y/N kissed. To the night thing's got really heavy and they got really into it. Anna dropped her head, closing her eyes.

"Anna?" Anna jumped at the voice feeling a hand on her arm. She pick her head up looking around seeing no one. The tears remained in her eyes, tilting her head. "I'm right here Anna." Anna jumped again turning her head to the chair next to her, seeing Y/N.

"Y-Y/N?" Her voice cracked, staring at the girl's figure. A small smile appears on the teen girl's face.

"I'm always watching, Anna," Y/N smiled rubbing her thumb back and forth on Anna's hand. Her hand reaches up, being placed on Anna's cheek. Her thumb rubs back and forth, wiping away the tears. "You're okay. You'll be okay."

"Anna, come on we-" Anna turns her head looking to Brittany. "Oh god, Anna." Brittany sets her purse down on the coffee table and runs over, wrapping her arms around Anna's tiny body. Anna moves her head to no longer see Y/N. She shut her eyes dropping her head. "You're okay. You'll be okay, A. C'mon, let's get out of here." Brittany rubbed her hand along Anna's back, to reassure the girl. 

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