Chapter 7: Fights

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Her eyes flutter open. Small whispers appear a little ways away. She props herself up rubbing her eyes gently. The tiny girl's blue eyes scans the room noticing the door cracked open.

"She tried to kill herself?" Brittany's voice asked, sadness in her tone.

"Me and Lucas found her on her bathroom floor with her arm bleeding out," Asha's voice spoke, gently. "She claims she didn't text us. She says Y/N did."

"It's impossible," Brittany's voice lowered. "What are we supposed to do?" The voices got softer as Anna sighed, shaking her head. She threw the blanket off of her tiny body and quietly walked over to the restroom. She shut the door and looked in the mirror. Her hair was a complete mess, her eyes were red and puffy.

"Jesus christ," she mumbled poking underneath her right eye. Anna shook her head quickly using the restroom then washing her hands. She glances back into the mirror taking her hands and running them through her hair.

"Anna! Anna are you okay?" Asha's voice asked, rapid pounding on the bathroom door. Anna sighs grabbing her toothbrush and quickly brushing her teeth. Once she's done she heads towards the door as Asha almost falls in. "You okay? Why weren't you answering?" Anna shrugs her shoulders walking past the girl and walking towards her closet. There she grabs a hoodie and pulls it on.

The girl heads out the door, feeling Asha right on her trail. Anna makes it the living room to find Brittany and Lucas sat, chatting. But stop immediately as soon as they spot Anna. "Morning Anna," Lucas says, standing up with his hands shoved in his pockets. The blue eyed girl throws her hand up walking to the kitchen.

"Anna, you okay?" Brittany questions standing up as well. Anna doesn't respond as she opens the fridge looking at it.

"There's no food," Anna states, closing the fridge walking back to the living room. Where Lucas, Asha, and Brittany stand. She walks past Brittany, rubbing arms and then plops down on the couch. She brings her feet up onto the couch and begins playing with the strings of her hoodie. Asha, Brittany and Lucas glance to one another.

"Anna, do you remember what happened yesterday?" Asha asked, sliding her hands into the back of her jeans. The blue eyed girl keeps quiet going to reach for the remote. Lucas gets to it first tossing it towards the bedrooms.

"What the hell?" Anna shouts going to stand, Lucas gently pushing her back down. "God, I just wanted to watch tv." Anna's arms crossed over her chest as she shakes her head side to side.

"Anna, you have to talk to us," Asha speaks up after a couple seconds of silence. Anna's eyes direct towards the girl and shrugs her shoulders.

"Why? You already think I'm crazy," Anna states. "I mean I already know what's going to happen. So tell me, where to? Therapy? Group?" Silence fills the air as Brittany shifts uncomfortably next to Asha. Lucas runs a hand through his hair and takes a seat on the coffee table in front of Anna.

"Anna we all miss her," Lucas starts. "She was our kid, but we knew-"

"You knew Lucas. You knew that there was something off about Dr. Richards yet you let her stay with him," Anna cut the man off. "You wanna know what she told me? He hurt her Lucas. Over and over and you two didn't do a damn thing!"

"We couldn't Anna!" Lucas shouted. "If we did anything we would've been punished even worse executed! We did what was best for her!"

"And look where that lead us...." Anna's voice trailed off as she looked away from Lucas's eyes.

"She died because she had to save you Anna," Lucas stood heading towards the front door. Anna stood and grabbed a glass cup, throwing it at his head. He ducks as it hits beside him, with his hand on the knob.

"Anna!" Asha and Brittany both speak.

"SCREW YOU LUCAS!" Anna storms off towards the bedroom. Quickly Asha grabs her wrist pulling her back. "LET GO ASHA!"

"Anna, you need to calm down," Asha states, trying to give Anna a sympathetic look. Anna shakes her head pulling away from Asha's grip. "Anna, please. We're trying to help-"

"Help? I'll accept help when Y/N's alive and well," Anna says walking towards her bedroom, quickly. She takes the door and slams it, making sure to lock it. Several knocks appear later. But all Anna does is ignore it. "GO AWAY!"

The girl walks towards her bed taking a seat at the end and laying back. Her eyes glued to the ceiling as she tries to control her breathing and her mind. As it races like a cheetah. Her leg begins to bounce up and down as she closes her eyes.

"Anna," a voice speaks. Anna jumps up looking to find Y/N standing up against the wall. "What the hell?"

"Y-Y/N?" Anna whispers pushing herself up off of the bed. The two lock eyes as Y/N glances to the ground. "I knew you'd come."

"Anna I'm always here," Y/N speaks uncrossing her arms taking a step forward. "They're trying to help you." Anna shakes her head not daring to look away. "I'm dead Anna. You have to move-"

"I'm trying Y/N! But I can't!" Anna shouts taking a step forward. "It's so hard to forget someone when you love them."

"Loved. I'm dead," Y/N corrected glancing towards the floor. Her eyes darted behind her next looking towards the door.

"You shouldn't of come out from hiding." Anna's voice lowered, her eyes glued to the floor. The young girl turned back around looking to Anna. "You wouldn't be dead. You'd still be alive with your parents. You'd be living as a normal teen for once."

"If I wouldn't of come out..." Y/N paused biting her lip. "If I wouldn't of come out you'd be dead. I wasn't going to risk that."

"You see why this is so hard? Y/N I love you. You should be here! In this house, in my bed that we could make ours! We should be in one another's arms." Anna walked towards the young girl as Y/N looked at Anna. But before the girl could reach her, Y/N reached towards the knob and opened it. Anna stood at the door face to face with Brittany.

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