Chapter 17: Alive and Well

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"No, no," Anna shouted. "There's no way. I saw her dead body Brittany."

"Anna I'm telling you I saw her. She was in front of me," Brittany spoke, standing watching Anna try to stand. She steps forward to help but Anna lifts her hand up, using the wall.

"Brittany it's not possible. She was shot four times. The doctors-"

"The doctors told you what they told you because they weren't actually Y/N's doctors," Brittany shouted cutting the girl off. "She told me, I have seen her, I felt her. She's alive Anna. She's in some type of cellar. She looks bad." Anna doesn't respond she slowly walks past Brittany, but the ginger quickly grabs Anna's wrist pulling her back.

"Get. off." Is all the girl spoke as she looked into the ginger's eyes. "I need out of here." Anna pulled away and walked towards the door, just in time for it to swing open. Dr. Richards stands with his hands in his pocket.

"Well nice to see you too Miss Kendrick," He smiles and looks to Brittany. "Now what are you two doing?"

"Where is she?" Anna asked, looking directly into the middle aged man's eyes. Dr. Richards makes a confused and questioning face, with a tilt of his head, but a small smirk creeps to his lips.

"Where's who dear?" He asks, looking at Anna. She walks towards him and goes to throw a punch but he quickly catches her tiny hand tossing her back. Quickly Brittany steps forward catching the girl.

"You know damn well who! Where is she?" Anna's shouted getting to her own two feet once again. A chuckle escapes the man's voice as he throws his head back.

"Are we seeing things again Anna?" Dr. richards shakes his head looking over to Brittany. "I'll be back in a bit. You two have fun now." Dr. Richards steps back pulling the door with him. The door is locked from the outside with just a simple click.

"Anna..." The brunette walks to the door and begins pounding on it, rapidly. "Anna, stop. He's not going to open the door!"

"Sooner or later he will!" Anna shouts back but Brittany walks forwards wrapping her arms around the tiny girl and moving her away from the door. "Put me down! Brittany!" Brittany walks to the back door and sets Anna down on the ground making sure she stayed put.

"Listen to me!" Brittany shouted, which immediately caught Anna's attention. "Let me tell you what happened before you go crazy...."

"Can you stand?" Dan asked the ginger haired girl. Brittany looked up and went to stand. Successfully she got to her feet and Dan nodded. "Dr. Richards wants me to take you to some place. So please stay by me, I don't want to tie you up." Brittany nods as he points towards the door. Brittany walks towards it, and right out. Dan points to the left and that's where she goes. Her mind racing with what Dr. Richards wants her to be shown. They get to a door and Dan quickly unlocks it with a key. Brittany walks in and down a set of stairs, seeing Anna passed out on Tommy's shoulder.

"Wh-What happened to her?" Brittany asked stopping on the stairs, watching Tommy walk past with Anna. "Wait-" Dan quickly cupped his hand over Brittany's mouth looking her dead in the eyes.

"She's fine Brittany," Dan spoke in an undertone. "Trust me, she wasn't touched. The girl wouldn't do that." He looked away and removed his hand as Brittany tilted her head, but Dan pointed and Brittany continued down the stairs. Until they came to another door. Dan pulled out his key card and the door opened. "Go on in. You'll have a while." Brittany tilts her head but goes in, turning her head to see the door shut immediately after she walks in.

The ginger turns back around swiftly hearing a noise. Once she turns her eyes lock with Y/E/C eyes. "B-Brittany Snow?" The voice spoke, weakly.

"Yes? Wh-Who are you?" Brittany asked taking a step forward as does the girl.

"My name's Y/N." Brittany's eyes widened looking over at the girl who had messed up hair, bruises and cuts on her face and arms. Scraped knees and bruises all along her legs. Her clothes ripped and bloody. A fresh wound placed upon her forehead from running into something.

"Y/N Clemmings?" Brittany asked. The girl nodded and Brittany walked closer, examining the girl over and over again. "You're...You're not dead..?"

"N-No, not yet at least," Y/N spoke, looking down at the ground. "He made the hospital lie. The d-doctors saved me and whatnot and I walk up down here."

"Oh my god," Brittany mumbled gently wrapping her arms around the girl. Y/N stays still, barely moving. Brittany pulls away cupping the girl's face in her hands. "We're going to get you out of here...I promise."

"Brittany, there's no way to get out," Y/N whispered placing her hands on Brittany's wrists. "I tried numerous times. I've seen all the exits and the routes. Dr. Richards built a whole new empire, once again."

"No, I don't believe it. There has to be a way-"

"Brittany there's not. You see what they've done," Y/N spoke shaking her head. "They kidnapped me from the hospital, made doctors lie to Anna and showing them a dead body that resembled me. They kidnapped you and Anna. I saw what they did to Anna.."

"She was in here?" Y/N nods her head up and down, pulling away making Brittany drop her hands.

"She was, and she saw me. She said my name then passed out." Y/N walked towards the wall and took a seat, bringing her knees to her chest. "There's no escape. They're going to kill all of us. Including Asha and Lucas."

"What do you mean?" Y/N shakes her head closing her eyes, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"He already told me everything..." Y/N stopped a moment opening her eyes. "He's having Tommy tell Jake the location of where we're out. Once they're hear he's going to make sure Anna's on her last breath, basically her death bed and he's going to make sure Anna watches you die and then there's me. He's going to make it look like I did it all."

"That's...He can't-"

"Oh but he can. And he will." Brittany bites her lip shaking her head. "You're probably leaving here soon, tell Anna I love her."

"You can tell her yourself once we get out of here." Y/N shakes her head side to side opening her mouth just as the door opens.

"Sorry, Brittany come on," Dan spoke, entering the room. Brittany's eyes stayed glued on Y/N's figure but eventually Dan walked over grabbing the ginger's arm and dragging her out of the room.

"Jesus christ," Anna mumbled, tears slowly trickling down her cheeks. "We have to get a way out of here. Dan and Tommy could help."

"Anna, I don't think they would. Maybe Dan, but Tommy? He sent messages to Jake who's with Asha and Lucas. They're on their way here now."

"There's gotta be something we can do! I'm not letting her die! I'm not letting you die! It's not happening!" Anna shouts. The tiny girl leans against the wall and tries to stand. Brittany quickly stood helping the tiny brunette. "We're getting out of here. We just need a distraction."

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