A Handful of Daffodils

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Here is the description for A Handful of Daffodils. I still have two more projects to write before I write this one so it will be a bit before I start it. It is an interesting story and I hope you guys enjoy it! But for now I must work on Are You Sh!tting Me, a humorous novella with vampires and one confused woman named Sam.


Being different can tear you apart.


Menza Aristotle knew that feeling intimately. She was a rarity wrapped in impossible odds. A shifter and a mundane mixed in one. She was of both worlds but truly didn't belong to either.

Sent away from her mundane mother to live with her shifter father when she was five years old, Menza had to grow up in the sharp cold of the Old Ways. She was unwanted proof that a bond does not keep one faithful and that the consequences of such and act can still follow you long after you left them behind.


And the goddess's rage burns bright.


Brochan O'Neill had felt that rage ripping right down the edge of his soul when the plague hit. His female had been terrified to lose their child and begged the goddess to spare her. Mene listened but she is fickle, so while she spared the little female, she took her mother instead. Brochan was left in the ruins of his life with the only child to survive the plague that swiped across the shifter world.

Spiralling with his grief and rage at what had been taken, he's unable to care for himself of his child. He is too lost among the shattered remains of his life before Mene's rage ripped down his soul. The Alpha acts because if he does not, both will be lost and with the little female standing as a survivor to the carnage around her, it cannot be allowed.


A price must be paid, a pound of flesh or in blood, it matters not to the Old Ways.


Menza felt like she would cease to be in the face of the cold apathy that surrounded her. Until the Alpha turned his calculating gaze onto her. She was a half-breed, she had no wolf, no ability to bond, no future to give, to lose her was not a true loss at all. So with her father, he takes her from her home and drops her onto the doorstep of his Master-at-Arms, an exchange of ownership without a fight. Menza now belongs to the grief stricken male who has hidden himself and his daughter away.

Brochan knew her orders were simple. Take care of his child and to make sure he didn't kill her or himself in his grief. He felt for her a bit, tossed into the den of a grieving and angry wolf without warning but she was his to do with as he wished all the same. What happened to her was of no consequence to the Alpha, to her father. They did not care what happened to the half-breed.


Love can be found amid death and fire but only if one looks for it.


Together they must figure out the torn apart world they find themselves in and peace settles for a brief moment before it shatters once more. Menza must find her way home and Brochan must settle the rage in his veins or he will lose the one chance he has left before Mene burns the last of his hope completely.

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