Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I still felt it deep in my bones, a burning heat that refused to leave. Mene's rage was not so easily soothed. I had been struck by the vicious rage while teaching some of the newer priestesses the history of Altia. It had made my vision tunnel and my head ache like it was going to be split in half. Mene's voice had been incoherent and the commands were not understandable but the compulsion had been clear. I had to come to Fortis and I had to bring the healers. It hadn't been long after that I learned what it was that caused her rage.

Someone had betrayed Lilith, had told Adam where she was, had put her in danger. Micheal had nearly died because of their actions and I hoped they realized that Mene would torment them for eternity over what they had done. Her rage was still so very palpable, it beat at me and made my stomach twist and turn violently. I never liked Mene's rage, it was always like a hot brand against me but I couldn't fault her anger with this. I was angry. I had protected Lilith, had done my best to hold her up, to help her heal. To have someone betray her to such a foul male was beyond enraging for me.

I didn't know how this would set her back. I hoped it wouldn't. I glanced at the wooden coffin where the remains of Adam lay. I hoped that what she had done would help her. She had savaged him, he was not recognizable in that box. There was a savageness to the joy I felt from it. I was proud of her for that, for breaking through those walls, through his training, to not only attack him but to kill him.

My eyes fell to the cot where Micheal lay with Lilith. She had arrived an hour ago, the wild Beta, Ezekiel, had brought her and I had watched a heavy bruise bloom on her cheek that I knew Adam had given her. She had curled up with Micheal, clinging to him as she softly cried, apologizing to him. I gave a small sigh. Micheal was fine but he was in the land between life and death, the grey murkiness that chilled one to the bone. I didn't know why Mene held him there. He was healed, the healers had done all they could. His body was fine despite all the damage Adam had done to him. There was nothing but a few faint scars that were almost reminiscent of the ones on Lilith, a bit less elegant than her own but there all the same.

The door opened and I looked over right as the doctor walked in, the Alpha Female, Shey Abigail, followed him looking like she had been crying. "It has to be wrong!" She sounded nearly hysterical as she whispered it at him. She glanced towards me and I merely blinked back at her in response.

"I can't change the results, Alpha Shey. They are what they are." The doctor said it softly and she gave a shuddering breath, looking panicked and almost frantic.

"I can't be!" Her voice pitched upwards at the end and I glanced at where Lilith lay. Her eyebrows furrows but she fell still as she tightened her grip on Micheal. The dominance she had taken rolled off her form as she did so.

I looked back towards the Alpha female, "I see Lilith told you." I was more than aware of her condition. Mene had simply told me it wasn't for me to tell and that it was to fall onto Lilith.

"Please don't. Not with this." She hissed the words at me and I tilted my head, curious as to why she would say that.

"Why?" I didn't understand her reasoning why she didn't like me talking about this. It was new life, I would have thought after their loss that such news would be welcome.

"My daughter died! There is no way I want you to disparage how I feel right now." Her eyes flashed and I could see her jaw twitching as she more than likely ground her teeth together.

I glanced at Lilith and while she was still sleeping, I could see the creases on her forehead. I shifted moving closer to Shey Abigail, I didn't want to wake up Lilith. She had gone through enough for today. "I don't understand. New life must be celebrated." A low growl rumbled from her chest and the doctor reached out, grasping her arm with a low frown.

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