Chapter Thirty

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"Micheal." At the hushed whisper and the slight shake I was given, I was pulled out of sleep. I gave a small groan and rolled on the bed slightly. I cracked open my eyes and my mum looked at me a bit concerned, her hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry to wake you."

I blinked a few more times before I rubbed my eyes. "What time is it?" My voice was thick with sleep and I felt exhausted. I wasn't sure how long I had been asleep for but I felt a little disorientated with everything. It didn't help that the lights were on but I was getting pretty much used to it, however it did make gauging time more difficult when I woke up.

"It's eight in morning." My mum grimaced slightly before letting out a heavy sigh that had me concerned and perking up. "I would have let you both sleep but Greg is here." At that I jolted heavily, I was not expecting that.

"Greg? Like Greg Greg? As in Catherine's little brother Greg?" I blinked, sitting up a bit more as my mum nodded, pinching her lips together. Lilith gave a small grumble and I turned to her, gently covering her with her blanket and smoothing it over her. She settled down, a faint smile on her face as she seemed to huddle further into the blanket. I glanced back at my mum and she was moving back over to the bed before handing me a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie.

"I'll be outside, get yourself dressed and then we can deal with...this." My mum gave me a rather strange look, as if she felt everything was a bit surreal and I didn't blame her for that. I felt like there was a touch of surreality to everything for me as well. I didn't understand why Greg would be here and I didn't particularly get why he was showing a change of opinion in regards to me. Everyone had said some really cruel shit to me and even though my family had gotten me through it and I was able to not let it hurt me as it had before, it was still painful to hear.

I got out of bed, pulling on my sweatpants and tugging on the hoodie. Lilith gave another grumble, rolling over into my spot and I looked down at her before bending down and kissing her cheek gently. She murmured nonsense, wrinkling her nose in her sleep and I found myself smiling as I brushed her hair back from her face and kissing her cheek once more. That faint smile returned and I couldn't help but kiss her cheek a third time. I tucked her back into the blanket, placing a pillow in her reach, watching as she grasped it, pulling it tight to her chest before burying her face into it.

I kind of wanted to crawl back into bed with her. I didn't want to rehash anything with Greg. I didn't want another session of being shamed and hated for something I couldn't control. I knew if I stayed in bed with Lilith I wouldn't have to deal with any of that shit but I also knew that my mum wouldn't have woken me up if it wasn't important. I hesitated for a moment before giving a sigh and leaving the room. My mum was pacing outside of my bedroom, chewing on her thumbnail.

I closed the door gently behind me and she looked at me her eyes wide. "I don't want to drag you back into that negativity but it's just him and he says he's here to apologize and your therapist thinks that it might help alleviate your guilt to have an apology." She crossed her arms over her chest. "Your dad and I will be with you. If things look like they are going to turn south we will be right with you but it's up to you. If you want to go back to bed you can, we aren't going to pressure you into this." She reached out, grasping my arm gently as she gave it a small squeeze.

I gave another sigh. If Greg had come all this way to apologize then I couldn't exactly tell him no. "Let's just get it over with." I headed for the foyer, my mum following behind me. I spotted my dad, he was standing near the door, nearly glaring at the thinner male that stood beside the door. My heart lurched in my chest as he glanced up, staring at me. I moved towards him, trying hard to not let my hands shake with my sudden anxiety.

He nodded at me. "Hey, Micheal." A heavy silence fell as I stared at him and after what felt like forever he finally looked away. "I brought you some things." He hastily bent down, grabbing a box that had been sitting on the floor next to his feet. He picked it up, shuffling his feet as he held it out for me.

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