Chapter Twenty-One

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I'm sorry, Micheal, Lilith took off while we were on our walk. Shey's voice pushed into my head and I gave a small sigh.

It's alright, Shey. I'll go and find her. I set my pen to the side and stacked up the paperwork for the Hunters about my position. They had requested updated pack structures and each ranked member had to write their own paperwork out.

I didn't mean to lose track of her. Heidi distracted me for a minute and when I went to check on Lilith she was already gone. Shey sounded distressed and I sent her waves of comfort over the pack link.

Don't worry. I know how quickly she can take off. All she needed was several seconds close to the trees to take off. It wasn't exactly something we could control. It was impossible to keep eyes on her twenty-four hours a day, seven days of the week.

She could have only gone into the trees west of the house if that helps. It did. Lilith had already disappeared in that direction several times already. She was making some sort of a pattern so that helped a fair bit.

It does. Thank you. Don't worry about it, she's hard to keep track off. Relax with Heidi and Ainsley. She needed to relax, she was getting too wound up and anxious. She needed the time to just breathe without worrying about anything. I closed off the link before looking towards Luka who was laying on the couch with his arm over his eyes.

"I can feel you staring at me, what?" He grumbled slightly, peeking at me from underneath his arm and I gave him a small smile.

"I need to go track down Lilith. She escaped from Ainsley and Shey while they were on their walk." I stood up and Luka gave me a half-hearted wave before he lowered his arm again.

"Go. I'm going to continue to try and sleep off this migraine." He muttered it out and I nodded. I headed to the windows and closed the curtains. "Thanks, Micheal." I nodded at him before heading out. I made sure the light was off and the door was closed. I knew that the light bothered him when he got a migraine and I just hoped it was enough to help make him feel better, even if it was just a little bit.

I headed down the stairs and out the door. I immediately headed west towards the trees and I narrowed my eyes slightly. If I was correct she would be in the place I thought she would be. I partially jogged and my wolf lifted his head slightly, sniffing the air but he didn't seem too concerned. We had gotten used to Lilith wandering off and it didn't cause us as much panic now as it did previous. Yah the longer it took us to find her the more worried we got but we weren't automatically panicked about her disappearing.

After a few minutes I walked into the small clearing I had figured Lilith was in and I was right. She was kneeling on the ground, placing small round stones around the two bigger stones. She was making swirling patterns with them and I watched her for a few moments, letting her enjoy herself. This was the third time in two days I had found her out here. I honestly didn't know what she was doing but she was working intently on it. She was humming and I found myself smiling slightly as I watched her.

She set out the last of her stones and wiggled for a brief moment. "I'm happy!" She nearly chirped it out and I chuckled, unable to help myself. She nearly whirled around, a bright smile on her face as she caught sight of me. "Micheal!" She held out her arms as if gesturing to everything. "I finished!" The look on her face nearly turned over my heart in my chest. She looked so happy and proud of herself.

"That's great, Lilith." I moved towards her, looking at the patterns of stones resting around the larger rocks. "The thing is, what is it?" I stared at the rocks and the designs and it was nearly impossible to puzzle out. It was pretty and soothing but I couldn't exactly figure it out.

Shards of Sanity (Book 6, Forgotten Series)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ