Chapter Eighteen

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Two weeks later

"But it won't help." Lilith looked at me with abject confusion and I sighed heavily.

"You don't know that." She needed to go into therapy, that was one thing I knew for sure.

"You can't fix me." Lilith tilted her head slightly as she seemed to study me. I kind of wanted to know what was going on inside her mind but I resisted the temptation to reach into it.

I reached out and took her hands in mine before I crouched down to look her in the eyes. "It's not about 'fixing' you, Lilith, it's about trying to understand your mind the way it is now and perhaps alleviate some of the episodes you have. If we can manage them then you won't be in danger so much." We needed to understand her as much as possible so we could help her navigate the world she was in. Lilith was different and strange and she needed to have some way of navigating the world and her own mental state.

"Because I wander off." Her eyebrows furrowed slightly as she tilted her head the opposite direction, that familiar shame slowly starting to shape her posture.

"Yes, because you wander off. But with therapy it's about learning how we can navigate everything together and we can maybe reach a place where the episodes are less or perhaps easier to deal with." I gave her hands a soft squeeze and she gave a small nod at that.

"Okay, Micheal. We can go." At the words I gave her a smile before leaning forward and kissing her forehead before giving her a wide grin that she returned with a shy smile.

"Alright, let's go." I let her one hand go, keeping hold of her other one as I walked her from our room. I wasn't about to let her back out or forget. Getting her to agree to therapy was a huge step and I knew I couldn't risk her forgetting or backing out. It was important to me that we got her started in therapy, it was for me just as much for her. Even if we couldn't figure out how to lessen her episodes, it would give me better understanding of how to control her outbursts and how to handle her in a way that wouldn't damage her mental state more than it already was.

We slowly made our way to May's office, she had moved to the room next to the clinic for her sessions. It was a bigger space and May had wanted to utilize it for more activity based therapy. It was how Ainsley had gotten into painting. May had researched art based therapy techniques on a whim and Ainsley had taken to it very well and it had helped her progress through her therapy. There was also the fact that she was getting quite good at painting and a lot of her artwork was hanging in the pack house or various other places around the territory.

"Where are we going?" Lilith looked up at me and I gave her a soft smile, hoping she wouldn't want to back out once I told her that we were going to see May.

"We are going to talk to May for a bit." I had expected she would forget but I had hoped we would have gotten to May's place before it had happened.

"Why?" She swung our hands between us and I gave hers a small squeeze.

"Just to talk about things." I wanted to keep it as simple as possible so she wouldn't immediately shut it down. Lilith had this thing about where if she believed something wouldn't work, she refused to do it. The fact I had managed to get the one chance out of a thousand where she agreed to go against that, meant I was taking it as far as it would go.

"Okay." The fact she didn't argue was a little suspect but I didn't push her on it as I opened the door to May's office.

"Hey you two, I was wondering if I would see you guys today." May smiled at us from behind her desk as she closed what looked to be a heavy textbook. She stood up and came around the desk and Lilith nearly tucked herself behind me. "It's alright, Lilith. This isn't something to be scared of. I'm here to help you understand why your brain is how it is." May bowed her head slightly as Lilith and Lilith tucked herself further behind me.

Shards of Sanity (Book 6, Forgotten Series)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora