Chapter 89

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"We're only responsible for the assassination." Xiao Sa understood very well that their relationship with Zhang Qiucheng was based entirely on their mutual interests. Yan Gang's life or death was the key to their success or failure as well as the key motivator for Zhang Qiucheng's defection.

"Of course. General Xiao, please rest assured that I will deal with the rest as long as Yan Gang is out of the picture."

"Hmph!" Bai Jing disdained him, raised his chin slightly, and looked down on Zhang Qiucheng whose words indicated that he was clearly just waiting to reap the benefits in the aftermath.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Xiao Sa laughed helplessly. Bai Jing's pettiness was hopeless. In fact, they had also planned to leave after the assassination, and although Zhan Qiucheng would be taking advantage of the situation, in fact, they were all getting what they wanted, and it would also reduce the amount of trouble they had to face.

Zhang Qiucheng's smile remained unchanged as he ignored Bai Jing's ugly expression. He understood very clearly that this Young Master found him displeasing to the eyes!

While the few of them continued discussing, Zhang Qiucheng once again went over his arrangements and the details of the ambush. Not long after, early in the afternoon, the sound of gunshots rang out in the distance, followed by tragic, unwilling, and resentful screams that echoed through the mountains and woods. It caused the birds to chaotically fly up from their perches and was quickly followed by a burst of explosions...

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Bai Jing's heart chilled. He understood in his heart that Zhang Qiucheng's plan had worked; the 200 plus people who had left had no way to survive. They were ordinary people, some of whom were injured. Soldiers were not rulers. They also had blood, flesh, and tears, and although they could easily raise their hand to kill zombies, when it came to people, even if they were obeying orders, it would leave cracks in their hearts. Perhaps they had already killed quite a few people during their journey, and in fact, Zhang Qiucheng had sent this group of ordinary people to lead the way in order to complete his whole plan in one fell swoop by first attacking the soldiers' hearts. Even if he had calculated wrong, he would not have lost anything.

Djl Alcu delmxis qea jii bo atflg atlcur jkjs klatbea ifjnlcu j rlcuif atlcu yftlcv. Lf lucbgfv Itjcu Hlemtfcu'r aklamtlcu ilqr, ibbxfv vlgfmais ja Wljb Vj, jcv mglrqis rjlv, "Ofa'r ub."

"Qjla j wlceaf." Itjcu Hlemtfcu jmafv ecmjglcu, yea jiatbeut tf xcfk atja Djl Alcu kjr abb ralcus ab fnfc qeii bea j tjlg, tf tjv yffc fcnlber bnfg atja ybaaif bo klcf obg abb ibcu jcv kjcafv la fnfc lo bcis j ofk wliililagfr bo klcf gfwjlcfv.

"What?" Bai Jing raised his eyebrows and said nothing more. The earlier they killed Yan Gang, the earlier they would be finished. Zhang Qiucheng was too cunning and would never call out to him in some sudden outburst of kindness.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

After being choked by Bai Jing, Zhang Qiucheng took a deep breath and told himself not to care. In fact, he felt a little wronged, too. He felt that he was pretty smart, and his appearance wasn't bad; he really couldn't figure out where he had offended this Young Master, and after thinking through everything that had happened, he sadly determined that Bai Jing simply looked upon him unfavorably. There was no reason or explanation for it. Zhang Qiucheng felt helpless and could only acknowledge that he had been unlucky, but he had no idea that it had all been caused by his own cleverness and cold-heartedness. Heaven knew that he had only called out to them this time truly out of kindness.

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