Chapter 81

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"We'll take action separately. Little Jing and I will go to the army; Cao Lei will bring people to Yunshan." Xiao Sa thought for a moment, then spoke with finality.

"No!" Wang Xuebing's face sank, "Our duty is to protect the Young Master." Yan Gang had an army of 80,000 people. He couldn't let the Young Master and Xiao Sa go alone no matter what.

Cao Lei patted him on the shoulder and glanced at Xiao Sa. "Do as he says."

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"Yan Gang's side will rely on strategy. More people won't necessarily be helpful, but the base must be well guarded. Besides, we have too few first-level ability users right now. This time, when you guys go..."

Xiao Sa didn't finish, but Cao Lei understood. It was rare for such a large number of level one zombies to appear; Xiao Sa most likely wanted to obtain their crystal nuclei.

"I agree." Leng Han raised his hand to vote. He didn't understand the matter regarding Yan Gang, but he knew that Yunshan was at the edge of L Province, and they would be affected if it fell. Since they had discovered danger there, it needed to be eliminated as soon as possible.

Cao Lei nodded. Besides Xiao Sa, he was the only second level ability user at the base. If he was there while they dealt with the level one zombies, they would be able to prevent many unnecessary casualties.

Wang Xuebing was dissatisfied, but since his lover had nodded his head and agreed, he could only keep silent. While he knew that Xiao Sa's words were reasonable, it was one thing to understand his logic, but another to watch the Young Master go out and take risks. He understood Yan Gang's character; he was secretive and hard to read, and in his eyes, the Young Master was like a child that hadn't grown up yet. Although Xiao Sa was protecting him, human beings were not like the zombies at all, and had both weapons and wisdom. How could he not be worried knowing they were going to face the huge national army?

"No." The person speaking up in opposition this time was Zhou Ji. His thoughts were the same as Wang Xuebing's – he had heard about Yan Gang since a long time ago. He was a ruthless character, and although Brother Sa was a level two ability user, he would be massively outnumbered by many enemies. Based from what he knew, Yan Gang's army had researchers, and considering Brother Sa and Bai Jing's characters, how could they let them off? Since it was like this, the risk level would certainly increase. There were now level one zombies everywhere. If they also insisted on entering confrontations with other human beings, then...

"That's the decision." Xiao Sa had the final say. He understood Zhou Ji's concerns, but he also had his own thoughts. Weapons were mostly made of metal, and he was confident that he could retreat safely. Bai Jing could teleport and also didn't require his concern. In fact, more people would hinder them. No matter what, he would make sure to thoroughly protect Little Jing.

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Zhou Ji opened his mouth, then closed it again, swallowing down the words on his lips. He was very clear about Brother Sa's character – other than when he faced Bai Jing, he would always do as he said.

Xiao Sa's lips curved slightly as he silently accepted his good friend's concern. He glanced over at Zhou Ji, "Don't worry."

That steady voice that carried a hint of coldness somehow made everyone feel calmer in their hearts. Zhou Ji hesitated a moment and then nodded solemnly. As a loyal subordinate and friend, he should have confidence in Brother Sa. "When are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow." Xiao Sa did not hesitate to answer.

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

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