Chapter 45

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They returned to where they had parked the cars only to find that the situation at the highway exit was still in a state of upheaval. As for the cars that had blocked their path from the behind, they had all turned around, thus opening a path for them on the left side.

When they saw Xiao Sa and the others enter their cars, the people who were following closely behind them also hurriedly entered their cars. They all started their cars at the same time, but none of them moved to start driving away.

Bai Jing sneered as he thought: it seems that this time around this group of people has smartened up, so they didn't even have to force them to clear the way.

Xiao Sa brashly ordered Liu Hua to drive. Once the four cars started moving, all the cars that were behind them also immediately started moving, scrambling to keep up with them.

"Boom!" they heard a loud explosive sound before seeing two cars crashing into each other, followed by the sound of people screaming. Seeing this, Bai Jing let out a cruel laugh, while everyone else in the car was left speechless. The accident had consequently blocked the road for many cars. The cars behind them were in a better situation than the cars in front of them, which had just narrowly missed being hit.

"Let's find a place to rest for now, we'll continue traveling at daybreak." Xiao Sa said lightly. It was already 3:40 A.M, which meant that it would be about two more hours before dawn. According to Bai Jing and the TV reports from the past few days, zombies should be afraid of the sun. There was too much chaos tonight, but he expected that after daybreak the military would send people to come to maintain order. Rather than enduring this difficult situation so as to travel to D city, which was definitely also in a state of upheaval, it was better to wait until dawn to resume their travel.

Bai Jing nodded his head then took out some supplies from his dimension and gave it to everyone to eat. For several days now they have only been rushing through their journey, and today they had only quickly eaten something small in the afternoon, so everyone must be starving.

"Little Meng you're a good boy so big brother will give you a chocolate." He was the only child in the group, but Bai Jing was still very fond of him. This was mainly because this child was very obedient and he was also not noisy or troublesome.

"Thank you, big brother." Li Meng looked at his daddy, after seeing him nod he quickly expressed his gratitude then happily took the chocolate. He hadn't eaten any snacks for several days.

"Little Meng tell your big brother, are you or are you not scared when you see Zombies?" Bai Jing enjoyed studying this child, so he decided to tease him a little bit. To be honest, at first, he was very concerned about the fact that they were bringing a child along. But after watching little Meng for some time, he realized that it wouldn't be a big problem. Don't tell me that all of these big men couldn't even protect one child?

Little Meng was a very sensible child. His mother had died when he was young, so he was raised in a single-parent family, and although his father was always busy, he had not become an unruly or arrogant child. During this journey, he had been afraid, he had been nervous, but even more, he had shown unwavering perseverance. A small adult's expression appeared on the boy's tender face, and upon seeing this, a warm feeling spread across Bai Jing's heart.

"I'm not afraid, I'll become Superman in the future, and I will protect my Daddy." Li Meng's eyes were bright as he firmly shook his head. Then he paused for a moment before adding: "...and I will also protect everyone..."

With a smile on his face, Bai Jing let out a small chuckle as he felt his heart fill with joy. This child was too cute. For the past few days, the boy has been bright-eyed as he watched Xiao Sa playing with the nails, and it turned out that it was because it had inspired the idea of Superman in his mind. Although the last sentence would probably not be possible, Bai Jing couldn't refute him. He just earnestly listened to him while thinking that this child was indeed very clever.

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