Chapter 64

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Once the idea was confirmed in his mind, Bai Jing did not delay. He told Xiao Sa, and then teleported out of the house.

"Who is it?" There was a loud shout.

Bai Jing had just arrived next door, and had not yet stood still before he was pointed at with guns from all directions. Bai Jing calmly raised his eyebrows and looked around. No wonder Yu Yue said they were not simple. This kind of formation shouldn't be underestimated.

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The lighting in the room was weak. There were only a few flashlights, and except for the woman with barely concealed grief in her eyes holding her child, everyone else in the group was vigilant. Most importantly, they all had weapons in their hands. The end of the world was just beginning, and very few people would have this kind of toy. If not the army, police, or arms smugglers, then that could only mean bandits. Obviously, these people belonged to the latter group. Bai Jing was a bit familiar with the first man – he was very rich, and often appeared on TV.

"Oh... Who are you? I seem to have a some impression of you." When Bai Jing saw that they were treating him like some great enemy, he suddenly felt an impulse to be playful. He teleported over and sat on the sofa, and in a flash, the figure that the gun muzzles had been pointed at disappeared.

Except for the man sitting at the window and the woman, everyone else's expressions changed.

The man waved his hand and signalled for everyone to back down. Although some of the woman's men hesitated, this was not their territory, and they slowly put away their guns and kept guard.

The man stared at Bai Jing for a while, his sharp eyes hiding a sense of probing. "I am Leng Han. Congratulations on your recovery."

Bai Jing frowned. He could tell that this person was a villain as soon as he spoke. He hated dealing with people like this the most – there were too many twists and turns involved, and it was tiring and annoying. Bai Jing ignored the other person's probing and asked, "Leng Han? That name seems very familiar. How did you know that I was recovering?"

Leng Han stilled, his eyes darkening slightly as he relaxed his guard a little. It had just been a guess, but now he was certain that the youth in front of him was too simple and straightforward. It seemed like this child, this kind of person, would have no malicious intent, so he smiled slowly and said, "I guessed."

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Bai Jing did not have the patience to deal with him. He really hated those who purposely withheld information to make things difficult. He directly turned towards Sister Lian, and pulled out several bottles of medicine and injections from his space. "This is for you. You guys have doctors and should know how to use it."

Sister Lian raised her head. Her eyes lit up instantly, and she was thrilled and happy as she held tightly to her child's hand, no longer able to force herself to be calm. "Thank you."

"I'm leaving." Bai Jing nodded, and it could be interpreted as his acceptance of her thanks. He did not look at Leng Han, and simply ignored him. Everyone only saw a flash in front of their eyes as the youth left the same way he arrived, teleporting away.

"Big Brother..." A man beside Leng Han began to show his displeasure.

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"It's nothing. In the future, be more careful with the people from that side. It would be best if we could establish good relations with them." Leng Han was not bothered by this at all, and he only felt that it was interesting. It was the first time that someone ignored him so thoroughly, but it made him even more clear that the people in the courtyard next door were not that good to provoke. The most important thing right now was to be cautious. He never made mistakes when it came to details, but it seemed that he had used the wrong method just now. He also had not thought that the teenager would also play his cards out of order. He had originally thought that the youth would try to get to the bottom of things with him, which was why he had purposely made things difficult.

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