Chapter 70

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Xiao Sa had been just about to say some sweet words when his walkie-talkie lit up. The prison was not far from where they were staying, and the big explosions just now must have alarmed a lot of people.

Xiao Sa had no choice but to let go of Bai Jing for now and could only leave this topic of discussion for later. He connected the walkie-talkie, and an urgent voice sounded in his ear: "Brother Sa, where are you guys now?"

Xiao Sa glanced at Bai Jing and answered calmly, "Outside the prison. Most of the zombies have already been cleared. I'll leave the rest up to you guys to clean up. Quickly make your way over."

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Zhou Ji was stupefied upon hearing this. He felt like there was a buzzing sound in his ears, and couldn't respond for half a beat. Although there had been some speculation in his heart, it still felt like a dream when he heard Brother Sa's words. He still remembered that it had also been Young Master Jing who made a move in the last county town, and let out a similar huge noise. The sky had glowed with a brilliant light, and the zombies had been cleaned up in an instant. Unexpectedly, they had also chosen to act alone this time.

"Zhou Ji, what's wrong? What happened?" Seeing that Zhou Ji was in a daze, Liu Wei was also anxious. His heart couldn't help but sink. He had gone to bed early tonight in preparation of taking over the prison tomorrow, and hadn't expected to have been shocked awake in the middle of the night. He had come out and discovered that Brother Sa's figure couldn't be found anywhere, and even Bai Jing disappeared. There was no way they wouldn't worry when they heard the noise outside.

Zhou Ji's mouth twitched. Seeing his brothers' anxious looks, and naturally noticing Yang Wenhua and Leng Han's searching gazes, he put on a look of extreme calm and glanced at everyone before saying, "Brother Sa told us to go over and clean up. The prison's zombies have already been wiped out."

"What did you say?" Liu Wei's mouth dropped open, and the gap it made was wide enough to stuff an egg in.

Everyone's chin fell to the ground and Chen Dawei stammered: "Al... already been wiped out?"

"You didn't hear me wrong. Now. Everybody, tidy up and follow me. We'll bring the children too. Even if they can't help much, they can still clean the place." Zhou Ji waved his hand expansively, his words bold.

Yang Wenhua was stunned, his gaze blank and mouth open. Including the people he had brought over, they had all been to the prison before. There were thousands, if not ten thousand zombies there. Who were those two? How long had it been? They could swear that nobody had stirred before they went to bed last night. They had not expected that they would be greeted with such shocking news at dawn.

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Ofcu Ljc kjr nfgs tjqqs. Llr reybgvlcjafr kfgf jirb nfgs tjqqs. Lf pera xcfk atja tf'v wjvf atf gluta mtblmf. Djrfv bc abvjs, la rffwfv ilxf tlr lcnfrawfca atlr alwf tjv gfjiis qjlv boo ylu alwf.

Cii bo atfw rfa boo obg atf qglrbc lc rifvufr. Ciatbeut atf tfja kjnf tjvc'a sfa gfjmtfv atfw, atfs mbeiv offi atf afwqfgjaegf yfulc ab glrf fnfc ogbw ojg jkjs, jcv fnfc yfobgf atfs uba mibrf ab atf qglrbc, atf rifvufr tjv yfmbwf erfifrr. Ktfs mbeiv bcis rff j ijguf jgfj bo lmf jcv rcbk wfialcu lc ogbca bo atfw. Ktf ugbecv kjr kfa ilxf la tjv yffc oibbvfv, jcv la kjr wfrrs fnfgsktfgf, yea fnfc rb, la mbeiv cba rabq atf pbs ogbw glrlcu eq lc atflg tfjgar.

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