Chapter 75

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Yan Liang calculated well, but he had never thought that his caution would cause his downfall.

When Bai Jing arrived at Yan Liang's rooms, he immediately discovered that the man was heavily guarded. With his keen spatial awareness , he could clearly sense that there were over fifty masters nearby. The only thing to be thankful for was that Yan Liang was very cautious by nature and never allowed others to enter his room. Even his bodyguards remained just outside the door.

Bai Jing sneered. He created a space screen to shield himself from view and looked around before quietly hiding in the shadowed corner behind a wardrobe. Yan Liang really valued his own life highly; his security was airtight, and he probably never dreamed that someone would be able to enter through teleportation.

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"Crack!" The sound of something slamming against the door rang out, and Bai Jing unconsciously held his breath, pressing himself lower against the floor.

"Damn it!" Yan Liang was angry, flopping down onto a chair with a dark expression on his face. He had no time to think about anything else before a sense of foreboding inexplicably rose up in his heart.

"You..." Yan Liang stared blankly at the person who had suddenly appeared in the corner of his room. He wanted to shout for help, but discovered that his throat seemed to have been pinched shut by something, and he had no way to cry out as as the air slowly escaped from his lungs.

"Rest in peace!" Bai Jing's lips curved slightly as he silently mouthed the words. His face was wreathed with an incomparably gorgeous smile that carried traces of fierce pleasure.

Yan Liang's mind was enveloped in panic. His rigid body seemed to have been bound by something, and no matter how hard he struggled, even when he desperately tried to use his abilities, he had no way to free himself from the transparent net that cut off all avenues of escape. The gap between ranks in ability users was insurmountable. Yan Liang could only sense that his consciousness was beginning to fade as his breathing gradually became ragged...

Bai Jing watched him coldly as he set the silencer on his gun. He aimed directly at Yan Liang's head and ended things quickly. Bai Jing did not want to be discovered, and it would be too obvious if this guy had suffocated to death.

"Pop!" Blood splattered everywhere!

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Yan Liang's eyes were still open in death. He had considered the possibility of dying, but he had never thought that he would die at the hands of this brat. He watched as his own body fell to the ground, thrashing in its violent death throes and causing a ruckus. He was unwilling! There were so many guards at the door – why hadn't any of them rushed in? Even if his death was already certain, at least he could pull this brat down with him.

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

However, Yan Liang's wish was doomed to remain a fantasy. In the instant of his death, he could see that the brat from the Bai family was still as arrogant as ever, tossing everything in the room around and rearranging his death scene in an orderly manner.

Ufgtjqr atlr kjr gfjqlcu ktja bcf rbkfv. Qtb tjv abiv Tjc Oljcu ab ufa rb jcugs pera cbk? Qtb abiv tlw ab aegc rwjrtlcu atlcur lcab j tjyla? Ktf ugbeq bo ybvsuejgvr bearlvf xcfk atja atflg ybrr kjr jcugs jcv kbeiv cfnfg yf lvif fcbeut ab mbwf lcrlvf jcv ajxf j ibbx pera ab olcv agbeyif obg atfwrfinfr.

Bai Jing was now in a great mood. Not only did he manage to smoothly deal with the problem, he had also been surprised to discover that he had developed a new power. He could now control the space within a small area and even block the air flow within that space. He quickly searched through the room, unscrupulously flipping through the cabinets and taking anything that could be carried before teleporting back.

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