Chapter 37

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When Bai Jing reached the hotel lobby he noticed that a thick lock had been placed on the hotel doors. A number of seals had been plastered everywhere, written on them was the date June 14, which also happened to be the third day after the lightning incident.

Bai Jing was slightly annoyed. From what he had observed of the hotel, there seemed to be no sign of human activity, which led him to believe that the hotel has been closed for quite some time. He really wanted to know how long he had actually been unconscious in his dimension, but knowing would make no difference.

Therefore, instead immediately of going outside, he went on a hunt in the hotel. A five-star hotel like this would have a lot of valuable things that have now been left to waste away. It would be better if he used them to fill his dimension. Two hours later, Bai Jing suddenly appeared on the street outside the hotel drenched in sweat and feeling tired.

He was unaware that at the exact moment his figure appeared on the street, in another place someone shouted excitedly.

"Big brother, big brother, I just saw young master Jing. He is on Fuhua Road 15 meters in front of the Royal Garden Hotel." The man yelled excitedly as he stared at a monitor.

It was possible to conclude that Bai Jing was quite lucky, since out of all the monitors in the room, his lone figure standing in an abandoned area had naturally attracted the observer's attention.

Xiao Sa rushed over like the wind. He saw that Bai Jing was perfectly fine, all his limbs were intact and that he had not suffered any injuries. Only then did his heart fill with a profound sense of relief. Without pausing for a moment he immediately turned to leave and said: "Continue monitoring the situation and report any new developments back to me. I'm going out."

The man slapped a hand over his chest: "My brother rest assured and leave this to me. I will definitely help you get a favorable outcome regarding sister-in-law's situation."

Recently it was clear to see that something big was missing from their brother's life. In the past few days, as they watched their big brother anxiously work non-stop without stopping to sleep or rest, they too sincerely hoped that Bai jing would be safe and sound.

What's more, they now understood that the reason their big brother had broken away from the family wasn't because of Bai Jing. Indeed it had been for their sake that he had spent so much money. Bai Jing was innocent, but they had unfairly placed all their anger and blame on him. None of them can forget that it was for this exact reason that they had wanted him to go away and stay at the hotel. In fact, they were currently feeling very guilty.

The hardest thing for Han Yan to bear was that sadly Xiao Sa was still refusing to acknowledge him. He wants to speak to him, but can never get any opportunity to do so. Han Yan felt quite wronged but didn't dare to say anything to his brother and just kept these feelings buried in his heart. His elder brother has just been feeling anxious that's all. Who knew that things could change so quickly?

"It's dangerous to go out alone, why don't you take us with you." led by Xie Minhang several men came forward.

Xiao Sa nodded then turned to leave at once, as Xie Minhang and the men who came forward rushed to keep up with him.

Once he left, those who remained in the house let out sighs of relief; Bai Jing had finally been found. The pressure that their heavenly brother had been previously emitting had been extremely frightening.


Bai Jing walked down the street while casually looking around. This once lively city was now only filed with scenes of desolation; infrastructural damage could be seen everywhere, and a nauseating odor still permeated the air.

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