Chapter 56

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The corpses around the car rushed over and began to slam against the car doors.

In the walkie-talkie, Liu Wei's swearing could be heard: "Lao Tzu is going to go fight with them."

Following that, the sound of a violent tussle came through. Xie Minhang's cold shout could be heard: "Shut up, don't open the window, do you want to drag everyone with you?"

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Time was becoming more and more pressing; the car's frame had already become misshapen and dented. Qin Hao's eyes were wide. He watched fixedly as the zombies rushed over in large numbers, his heart almost jumping out of his chest in anxiety.

Yang Chonghui and Liu Hui were pale, holding hands with their fingers tightly intertwined, sad and solemn expressions on their face as though they were determined to face their life or death together.

"Iron and steel, gasoline, guns, quickly! Cao Lei, prepare to use fire. The others will shoot." Xiao Sa's words were urgent, and as soon as he finished, he flipped nimbly and landed on the roof of the car.

Bai Jing hurriedly threw him a submachine gun, and Xiao Sa caught it smoothly.

Then there was a loud clanging noise, and a large quantity of iron and steel appeared on the roadside. These had been picked up from the county town this morning, and there was enough piled up to fill several rooms. They were stacked to create a line over 30 meters long, and there was more than enough to completely block the road. But, Bai Jing knew that steel alone definitely would not stop the zombie onslaught. Fortunately, this was a rural area, and this was a small road with mountains on both sides. Otherwise, it would have been useless even if they had managed a blockade.

Wang Xuebing unhesitatingly pulled open a cupboard from under the bed that was neatly filled with rows of arms and ammunition, took out several powerful grenades and quickly climbed to the window – fire!

"Boom!" There was the sound of explosions in the distance. Although it could not stop the zombies, it would delay them.

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Qin Hao and Xu Lei were unwilling to fall behind. They knew that they were not accurate with guns, and so they followed Wang Xuebing's example and brought out grenade guns. They did not concern themselves over accuracy; they shot towards the pile of zombies as every zombie they managed to kill with their explosions counted.

Yang Chonghui and Liu Hui exchanged glances, stunned. When they recovered, they immediately followed the others' example, picking up guns only to discover that as ordinary people, they had only seen these kind of things on TV.

Bai Jing had leaned halfway out of the car, and was about to climb onto the roof when he noticed their situation. He pointed to the drawer to the right under the bed. "You are a wind power user. There are grenades there. Just throw them as hard as you can."

Yang Chonghui clicked his tongue in admiration. He finally understood the real implication behind their connections to the underworld. Cao Lei demonstrated it to him once, and gave a simple explanation. As men, they all had a dream in their hearts of being heroic, and it was impossible for their blood not to boil when they had weapons in their hands. Yang Chonghui's movements were not slow as he held the hand grenades, used wind power, and threw them to the places where most of the zombies were concentrated. Listening to the sounds of explosions, he couldn't help but rejoice, thinking that they would be able to escape this disaster...

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

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