3. Afterschool sudy

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Savannah's POV

Theo left in a rush and he sounded pretty serious, I wonder if he's okay. I don't know why I even care but the whole situation was strange. We had a good time together, even though we were just doing something as small as the dishes, I noticed we got along well. After I finish the remainder of the dishes, I head towards the living room to find Matt and Adam sat down.

"Where's Theo?" I ask the boys.

Adam's head shoots right in my direction in a quick millisecond. I'm surprised it didn't snap off right then and there. "He has gone out, he told us that."


He shrugs his shoulders as his focus is back on the tv. "I don't know."

I sigh. "Okay well I'm tired so I'm heading off to bed, later." They both wave not even giving me a glance as their eyes are glued to the tv screen.

The next morning is Monday, I have to start school at 8:30 am and today I finish at 12:00 pm as I only have 3 lessons today, English and double maths. I am currently so exhausted because of last night and I look a mess too. I try to make myself presentable by wearing leggings a black vest and a red leather jacket over it, then head off to school.

Callum's POV

My whole friendship group can't stop staring at Savannah today. Her clothes hugged her skin and made her figure look even more defined. It's the ass. She didn't get attention before but all the guys have noticed it and now they want to fuck her. She'll walk past us and they'll make a scene by slapping each other whispering "look at her, look at her ass" she notices them all the time and looks at us confused but her mate Mackenzie laughs ridiculously loud to get their attention because she thinks its about her.

Savannah likes me. She's told me herself. She hit me up before all this attention thing and I like her ass back. I'm not going to tell her that, otherwise she'll get excited and tell her friends. But now she's backing away a bit, not in college, she can't stop looking at me. But on text she's distant, I know it's probably because I ask her for nudes and she gets shy. I don't even know why I'm trying so hard. I know she'll send me something I just need to get it out of her.

There's going to be a big college party in the break and most of the college is going. This girl called Grace who has a nice huge house said she's going to have it at hers. My mates are all saying they're going to try and fuck Savannah. I know that I'll definitely do it. She'll be all over me.

Savannah's POV

The final exam is in a few months and the maths teacher is stressing me. It's not like all the class is stupid only about 50%. I like to say that I fall in the category of the other 50% but I need super improvement. Mental maths is what throws me off all the time, it's such a pain and we have calculators for a reason. The only reason why I took maths is that I've been 'alright' at it in my life but in college, it's next level HARD.

In the class, I sit next to Callum. I was very surprised when he chose to sit next to me. Normally guys don't want to sit next to me. That's one reason why I started to like him. I hated him in before. I used to think he was super big-headed and cocky. Which I still partly think now but he's sweet also, the way he talks to me is soft and cute sometimes. I've been close to him now for a few weeks and my friends know I like him.

But there's just one problem with him, he always wants me to send nudes. Nearly every day he has sent me some and always asks for one in return but I just don't feel confident enough so I always say no. I reckon I would one day but when we're really close so I know he isn't just using me.

"Hey, are you coming to the party at Grace's?" Whispered Callum with a smile.

I continue to write my notes. "Yeah, I think I will be."

He smiles. "Good, I'll wait for you to come."

I can't help but look down and fidget with the pen that's in my hands. "Oh I didn't know you cared so much."

"Without a doubt." I look away as I feel my face getting hotter. Callum leans around the table to get a better look at me. "Are you blushing for me?" He asks.

"No..." I keep my head away whilst biting my lip.

"I know you are and that's fine babe because you look even hotter when you do." He places his hand on my knee. Now I really did feel like my body is on fire.

For the rest of the lesson, he kept his hand on my knee to a point where I was used to it. I don't know why I was getting so flustered, he only placed his hand on my knee.

"Are you done for the day now?" Callum asks as the lesson is finished.

"Yes, I can't wait to go home and just chill. Are you?"

"Hmm yeah. Look, will you come to mine and help me with this part?" He points to a question in his book. "I didn't understand it one bit."

"Wait, you want me to help you?"

He places his book in his bag and zips it up. "Uh yeah..."

"But why? I'm not even that good myself."

He puts his backpack on. "Hey you're better than me and you're the only person I like out of the whole class."

To be honest that did convince me to go. "Oh alright, what shall I do about my car?"

"What shall you do? Just leave it here we will take mine and I'll bring you back when we're done."


We both begin to head to the gates to sit in his car. On the way I realise that the work he wants me to help him with will only take about an hour and we can easily do it in the library. I'm pretty sure Callum knows that too but he actually wants me to go over to his house, I'm so excited.

When we arrive at his house, I am left stunned as it is huge. The inside was a large open plan with a floating stairway leading to the upper floor. I was stood in awe. I now know why Callum acts so cocky.

I hear him laugh. "Come up we don't have all day." I look in the direction of the voice and he's already at the top of the stairs. He runs back down and ushers me to walk up first whilst he follows closely behind. I rush up as quickly as I can, making sure I don't trip and embarrass my whole existence.

He opens the door of his bedroom as he walks into it. The room contains a medium sized bed aligned at the centre-back side of the room, a wall mounted desk with a straight-backed chair and a TV at the end of the bed. The colour scheme evidently being dark greys and silvery tones. It is a very sexy modern room to look at.

"We will work here." He nods towards his bed. "I've only got one chair so we can't work on the desk so the bed it is." He said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Erm yeah that's fine."

We both head towards his bed, sit on it and begin to pull out our maths books. "Okay let's get started."

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