7. Giving Advice

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Theo's POV

What was I thinking to trigger Adam like that? I forgot about the Jess thing. He tried to talk to me about it earlier but I told him I had to study. How could I be so stupid? I should've listened, I'm his fucking best mate.

I find Adam on the courts in the park playing football with a few guys. I run up to him. "Bro, can we talk?" He ignores me. I sigh, "Are you going to speak or not?"

He turns away from me. "I need to think."

"I know you didn't want to start an argument, tell me what's up?"


"It's Jess, I know." He turns to me, looking shocked like he didn't think I knew.

His voice goes quiet. "How do you know?"

"You told me a bit of it today."

Adam narrows his eyes as he remembers. "You didn't want to fucking listen, did you?"

"I was busy then but I do now. Come on mate, just tell me."

"Not here."

We walk off to a different part of the park where its empty and we sit down on the benches. He rubs his hands on his face by exhaustion and lets out a sigh. "It's Jess."

"What has she done now?"

"Why is she dating Louie? She knew I hated him. I always told her that I knew he liked her and that he was using Sav to get close to her. I got super paranoid about it. But she'd always reassure me and tell me not to worry about it." Savannah?

"I know Jess is one of your closest friends now but I still find it quite sly that after you both ended things she went straight to him."

"I thought I could handle seeing them together, it has been four years since we broke up. It was easy when I was away and couldn't see them but now I can see them and I can't fucking handle it. He's no good for her, she's just being so blind. I don't know what happened to her, she changed just like that." I don't know how Adam can still be best friends with Jess. He needs to stop being so attached.

"I know it's hard seeing your ex with someone else. But you need to move on man, I keep telling you to find another girl. One that actually deserves you. We have moved now there'll be new girls out there."

"I never like any. They'll never be as good as Jess."

I pause for a second, he is so hurt. "I know you loved her, or you probably still do but you said yourself that she has changed. I don't know what happened to her but you were together for years and just like that she leaves you? She wasn't a good person."

"You're right man." He looks at me and smiles. "Fuck these hoes." He says whilst pulling up his middle fingers.

I laugh at him. "Exactly, fuck these hoes. Come on, let's leave and get some pizza."

"Oh shit, yeah, Matt and Sav will be so hungry."

Fuck, I forgot about them. Matt can't be trusted with her, he's going to make a move on her. He nearly did the other day but luckily we walked in on them. She doesn't even try to stop him, I guess she likes the attention.

No matter how badly I wanted to go and check up on them, Adam wanted to hang out with me for a bit more so we chilled for about an hour, just talking about random shit and then decided that it's time we head off to our house. When we open the door Savannah is laid down on the sofa breathless and has changed into another pair of clothes. Then Matt runs down the stairs also changed but this time only in sweats. I look over to Adam to see if he realises what I've realised but he shows nothing on his face. Why can't he see that they've just fucked. I wish he notices so I can punch Matt, he can never control himself even when it's Adam's sister. 

"Are you alright now Adam?" Savannah runs up to Adam and hugs him.

"Yeah, thanks sis." He pats her back. "We have pizza. So eat up, Theo and I have already ate." Savannah and Matt both rush towards the pizza and take it into the kitchen.

Adam sits on the sofa in the living room so I decide to walk in on the other two in the kitchen. I hover around the door for a few seconds and hear Savannah laugh whilst saying. "Get off me, you've already had your fun." Fuck, I knew it. I walk in pretending that I wasn't stood there listening and that's when Matt lightly slaps her ass as he walks past her. She hastily stares right at me, surprised, as she wasn't expecting me to come in.

"What are you doing?" My tone was harsh as the words gritted past my teeth. "You know that's Adam's fucking sister?"

Matt looks up dumbstruck and tries to brush it off. "Mate, it's nothing."

I rush up and get in his face and give a smirk whilst pointing to Savannah. "That was nothing?"

"It was just a tap."

I glare at him. "Go and tell Adam that right now." I look at Savannah. "You too, you let it happen."

I see fear in both of their eyes that satisfy me. "Come on bro. It was an accident."

"Have you been fucking her?" I ask.

He panics. "No not at all man. Come on she's Adam's sister, I wouldn't disrespect him like that." His face relaxes as he realises. "I know why you think that, I can explain."

I nod my head up. "Go on."

"Savannah you go and sit with your bro, I'll talk to Theo." Without saying a word she walks off.

I turn to Matt. "Go on then."

"When you and Adam left we had a water fight and chased each other around the house. That's why we're wearing different clothes. And her hairs still wet but it's in a bun so you probably haven't even realised."

"Why are you slapping her ass? Have you gone crazy?"

He smiles at me. "Bro, have you seen her ass? Don't tell me you don't want to hit it." I grab his shoulders and push him to the wall.

"She's Adams sister, calm the fuck down. You touch her again then you answer to the both of us I promise you that. You better watch what you say and do."

He pushes me away. "Look mate, there's nothing going on between me and her. We had some fun, not in the way you think. I won't touch her again, don't tell Adam and rat out your friend like that. It won't happen again."

"Good, it better stay that way." I walk off upstairs to my room. I've had enough of them for the day.

I didn't feel like sleeping so I've just been on my phone. It's 11:00 pm and I hear everyone going into their own rooms closing their doors lightly. There's a soft knock on my door, it'll be Matt. "Come in," I reply.

In walks Savannah, carefully closing the door behind her, making sure she doesn't make a sound. I'm seriously surprised that she's come here, to speak to me. The only light in the room is the one radiating from my phone screen. So I reach over my bed, turn on the lamp and give her room to sit down on the bed next to me.

When she feels comfortable she starts to talk. "I know you think there's something going on between me and Matt but I promise you that it's nothing like that. I understand why you might think that in your position. But I would never do that to Adam. And he was really angry today so I care too much about him to be sleeping with his friend on the same day. I'm not like that and if you think-" I press my finger on her soft lips. Savannah's brown eyes sparkle as they gaze into mine.

"Shhh, you talk too much." She blushes furiously and turns her head to hide it. I can see right through her. I put my hand down. "Look, I'm stupid for thinking you'll be like that, I don't know you that well but so far you seem like a decent girl."

"Thank you." Her voice is quiet.

"Is that why you came to my room? To explain yourself?"

"I just didn't want you to get the wrong idea."

"Just be careful."

Savannah nods, walks up to the door and opens it. Before walking out of my room she says. "By the way, Matt isn't my type."

I smirk as she's about to close the door. "Because I am." The door doesn't close until a few seconds after. She stalled. She heard. Good.

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