43. Safe and Sound

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Savannah's POV


Everyone stares towards the cry of pain, where Carlo is clutching his leg and red liquid is creeping out from the gaps between his fingers. Theo and Adam look at Matt wide-eyed whilst panting. Then they both begin to drag him to the car.

Adam starts. "We need to go now."

"No, let me finish him off." Matt protests.

"He'll bleed to death in a matter of minutes. You do want him to die slowly don't you?" Theo asks.

Matt looks between the gun and Carlo and then clenches his jaw and turns towards the car.

"Theo, help me, I'm your brother." Carlo cries out.

Theo doesn't even glance Carlo's way as he continues to sit in the car.

"Theo!" Carlo tries again. However, everyone continues with what they are doing.

I get a sickening and guilty feeling in my stomach. Why are they all heartless? You can hear the pain in his voice. He's half bleeding to death, we cant just let him die alone.

"Savannah, what are you doing? We need to go." Adam states breaking me out from my thoughts. At this point, everyone is readily sat in the car.

"We-" I cough clearing my voice. "We can't just leave him here."

I hear Matt mumble something in the car but I choose to ignore it.

Adam becomes to come out of the car. This is when Carlo shifts towards me. "Savannah, help me- aghh- I at least want someone with me."

I look at him, noticing the blood that has covered his whole leg. This is horrible, I've never seen so much blood come out of one person's body.

I see Adam's shadow beside me. "Savannah his men will be coming for him any minute now, he'll be fine."

My eyes stay locked on Carlo. "It'll be too late, he has already lost too much."

"It won't be, Savannah I promise you that he'll be fine." I know my own brother is lying, he's just saying this to comfort me. He's not going to let me stay, I've got no choice.

I begin to walk towards the car whilst Carlo is shouting behind me. "Savannah you're not like them, you are the only person who can- who will help me."

I clutch my hands hoping it'll distract me from this current situation and sit as far away from Adam as possible as he follows me in the car. I'm glad Theo and Matt are sat in front because I seriously can't face any of them.

By the time we reach the house I am the first to get out and walk to my house. By now all the guilt that I felt has turned to anger.

Adam runs after me and places his hand on my shoulder. "Savannah, don't go home yet."

"Why? I can't stand your place."

He steps in front of me so I'm forced to face him. "Let me just check if you're fine then you can go."

"I am fine." I try to step to the side but he copies and stops me.

"Please, I need to be sure." For the first time, I look at him. He has never been this concerned about me for a very long time. I should be grateful.

I sigh letting all the anger out. "Okay fine."

"Okay good." Adam places his arm around my shoulder and we walk to his home.

As we make our way to the house we can hear Theo shouting at Matt, he must've saved his voice in the car.

"But why the fuck did you shoot him? He's my brother I should've done it."

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