46. Happy at Last*

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This chapter contains a sexual scene. Enjoy the story. 

Savannah's POV

A week after the encounter with Carlo, Adam and Rosanna are still in a happy relationship and Theo and I are happier than ever before. Even though Carlo is a dangerous man and could've easily killed everyone, his presence sort of fixed everything... everything apart from Matt.

He still hasn't said anything about my relationship with Theo but every now and then he gives us disgusted looks. Recently he has been speaking to us more whilst we're in a couple. So I guess everything is getting better with him but slowly.

I'm currently sat in my room listening to music whilst searching on my new phone when Adam sends me a text.

Come over next door I've got something to say.

I quickly rummage through my wardrobe and find a floral skater skirt with a black off the shoulder crop top. This'll do. After getting changed I head downstairs.

"Mum! I'm going to Adam's!" I shout before opening the front door.

My mum opens the door of the dining room. "Savannah you don't need to shout like that."

"Sorry, mum."

"It's fine sweetie, enjoy your time."

I walk out of the house. "Bye." Then close the door behind me and walk to Adam's home.

When I knock on the door Adam opens it and ushers me into the living room where Theo, Matt and Rosanna are sat.

"What is this?" I ask.

"Just sit down then you'll find out." Adam shows nothing from the tone of his voice. I sit down next to Theo and wait for Adam to speak. "Do you all want to go on holiday?"

"Where has this came from?" Theo asks.

Adam shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know. I'm just bored. And we've been through a lot so we might as well treat ourselves."

"Where to?"

"Coron island, Philippines."

Matt replies quickly. "Well I know I'm going."

Theo replies after him. "Yeah, I can go too."

Rosanna turns to Adam. "Wait when is this?"

"Whatever time best suits you, when are your holidays?"

She turns to me "I don't know, 3 weeks is it?"

I reply. "Yeah, it's in 3 or 4 weeks time, I'll know for definite tomorrow."

Adam nods. "Then that's when we'll go."

"How long are we going for?" Matt asks.

"A week. How long will your holidays be?" He turns to me again.

"I think 2 weeks."

"Then a week is fine."

"Yeah, I'll need to ask mum though."

"I've already asked her and she said its fine."

"Oh my god, yesssssss." A holiday with Theo. Ahhhh I can't wait.

"I'll ask my parents but I'm unsure if I'll be allowed," Rosanna says.

Adam walks to her side. "I hope you are. Shall we go to yours now? The sooner I know the better." Adam has met Rosanna's parents already, I'm happy for them.

"If it's not much trouble."

"Of course it isn't." He kisses her on the cheek then holds her hand. "We'll be back in a few minutes." They both walk out of the house hand in hand.

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