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"I'm about to kiss you," Harry said, a slither of determination and despair laced perfectly. "This won't be anything like the other kisses we've ever had. This one will hurt. It's supposed to, at least so you can think. It's not a goodbye but it's not exactly a hello either."

"Harry I- "

"No, I don't need you to say anything," he whispered, his voice cracking. "I-I don't want you to tell me what I want to hear. You've done enough talking. It's my turn."

I complied, eager to see this side of him.

Of all the faces Harry had ever constructed, this had to be my favorite one.

"But first, I wrote a song for you," he croaked, going to his back pocket and pulling out a crushed piece of paper. "It's not done, in fact I never had any intention of finishing it. I was hoping you could help me with it actually."

He unfurled a crumpled piece of paper that looked a lot like garbage on the outside, but I could tell it meant a lot to him.

(AN. The song is above :)) )

"I don't have a guitar on me," he joked. "Please bare with me."

He closed his eyes momentarily before he took a deep breath.

"The sun is setting,
and you're right here by my side,

and the movie is playing
but we won't be watching tonight."

I watched his mouth move smoothly, his entire body slightly swaying as he sang like he could really feel it.

Even with the slight rasp of his throat, he still sounded perfect somehow.

I was mesmerized.

He stopped momentarily, looking deep into my eyes as he took my hands and pulled me closer.

He wasn't singing anymore, he didn't even seem to be moving actually.

His touch almost felt,

"I never knew you could hold moonlight in your hands, until I held you," he whispered.

I loved him.

I loved him so very much.

"I think I'll always love you," I confessed, suddenly. "I- I think I always have."

His hand slowly snaked up my arm, before it landed on my cheek, his warm touch melting me like ice cream.

"I knew I always loved you," he told me. "I never figured out how not to."

And then he kissed me, and it was a symphony of love, and sunshine, and a heaven of bliss, there was no thunder to be felt, and my whole world had finally felt complete.



I know this chapter is short but it had to be so I could get to the next one lmao <3

I'm telling you to emotionally prepare for chapter 8- chapter 1 from now, becauseeeeeee it WILL emotionally destroy you.


- M x

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