#18 pt 1

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Being around Harry has been teaching me a lot of things

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Being around Harry has been teaching me a lot of things.

For instance, I was a lot more sensitive about everyone's emotional state. It seemed as if I could pick out sadness out of a person more easily.

Not only sadness but their bliss as well. I'd notice the little lines by their cheeks that told me if they smiled often or not.

I was also learning that Harry was nothing like people I was used to. Take my best friend for example.

She was spontaneous, way too smart for her own good, but also someone who always thought it was her way or the highway.

Our time apart had done nothing but drive me to compare her to the boy I cared for, and more often than not, negative results always surfaced on her end.

"You have to see him eventually," Henrietta said for the third consecutive time.

School had been a nightmare. I buckled and told Henrietta almost everything that happened between Harry and I, excluding his illness and our kiss. Something in me had told me that telling her about our kiss could wait, I had only just discovered that I was hopelessly immersed by Harry after all, (and it didn't help that our short but meaningful kiss had drove my feelings into overdrive) and on the illness side of things, I just knew that wasn't my story to tell to begin with.

I hadn't seen Harry once since our kiss, after I went home, my emotions were all over the place and I never got a chance to deal with them because I didn't contact him. When I arrived at school the next day, he was no where to be seen.

I couldn't even say I was surprised.

Henrietta had come up with the theory that he was avoiding me because he was emotionally wounded, he panicked because he had opened up to me about somethings in his life, and that guarded side of him told him that it was best we didn't see each other.

I had other theories, but I didn't speak much on them.

Harry was a lot like a book, easy to read for some, harder to read for others and I knew whenever he was around me, I lost my ability to read or write.

"I know," I gently replied, hoping she'd just stop already.

We were standing next to my locker, and I was fidgeting with random things, not particularly keen on moving just yet. We had only just finished the conversation about everything that had taken place, and I already felt over it.

"I miss hanging out with you," She sighed, quickly changing the subject. I briefly glanced at her, before going back to my activity.

"I'm as around as I can be right now," I explained vaguely, not wanting to say too much.

"Well, in your absence I've been hanging out with Kourtney quite a lot," She remarked. "We've been going shopping on the weekends because every time I text you, you're never around. Nothing's wrong if you're around Harry and I'm glad you finally admitted your feelings for him, but I still have to make up for our lost time somehow. Kourtney has been ensuring that I'm occupied."

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