t w e n t y - f i v e

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I had come home last night around one in the morning and found Noah and Juliette sleeping together on the sofa, a Barbie movie playing on the television. I couldn't help but smiled at the two and had grabbed a blanket for them before placing it over their bodies. I had slept alone last night and the paranoia had gotten to me, especially the dark thoughts inside my head wondering who it was trying to attempt my murder.

I had to be sure that it was one of my men before pointing fingers because accusations have consequences, especially in the Moretti family.

When I had woken up this morning, Noah wasn't in bed or to be specific, the entire house. Javier had informed me that he had taken Juliette to see her mother and that he also had meetings to discuss with his father. I had brushed it off and made my way to my office, knowing that it was the only thing at the moment to keep me distracted from my gang.

"Miss Moretti, are you okay?" my assistant, Malcom, questioned with geniune concerned as he walked in with a tablet in his hands.

I nodded, suddenly feeling exhausted and cranky. I knew that my lady month was coming soon so this might be the pre-effects of it. "I'm fine. What do you have for me today?"

"Mr. Bellucci sent in the documents to have your companies merged, it is to be official within a week. Have you signed the papers yet?"

I frowned and went through the folders and papers on my desk until I came across the folder with the title 'Merge' on top. I checked the documents inside and sure enough, the dotted line did not carry my signature. I grabbed a pen and quickly signed my name before handing it to Malcom who was nervous to even get close to me.

"Would you like a glass of water?" Malcom questioned.

I shook my head. "I'm fine."

Playing with the engagement ring on my finger, I watched Malcom leave my office as I scanned the view of my office, hands behind my back. I inhaled the sense of peace and quietness around me to calm my nerves and the stress that I currently obtained.

And for a moment, I enjoyed this silence until my door busted open, causing me to only turn around without a single flinch.

Fran, with a frown adorning his handsome face, walked up to me and examined my face and body before pulling me into a hug. "I was worried for you but Noah said I couldn't see you all night until you got better."

A white little lie to keep him knowing about the underground world.

I sighed. "I'm sorry, Fran but I'm okay now. What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay," Fran answered me with a smile before leading me to the sofa that was situated on the other corner of my office. "Anyways, I have some news for you."

I frowned, tilting my head to the side in confusion. "What happened?"

Fran, rather than being worried, was seeming more happier than usual which kind of concerned me seeing as he posessed a negative attitude before all of this blew up. "Javier and I decided to try again."

My jaw dropped, completely confused. "Really?"

He nodded with a small smile that graced his lips. "We got to talk over dinner and we decided that life is short and we should do whatever the hell we want."

I couldn't help but smiled for my brother. "I'm so happy for you."

Fran sighed in relief. "So, sister, tell me, when were you going to tell me you are the head of a Mafia gang?"

My heart skipped a beat as I froze in my place, unable to comprehend what he had just said. In my peripheral vision, the smile was wiped from his face and now, only a blank facade adorned it. I gulped, my mouth suddenly feeling dry as I regretted Malcom's offer to grab me a glass of water.

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