n i n e

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Feeling the stare of someone else on me, I slowly opened my eyes and rubbed away sleep, yawning as I frowned, surprised to see Noah still sleeping beside me. He had been facing me, his arm lazily draped over my waist. I crinkled my nose and picked off his arm and softly laid it down on the mattress before walking towards the bathroom, determined to complete my morning routine in just five minutes.

It took me seven minutes, twenty four seconds and three milliseconds for me to brush my teeth, shower, put on makeup, do my hair and get dressed. Frowning at the timer, I rolled my eyes and locked my phone before making my way towards the door, glancing over my shoulder to find Noah still asleep.

I walked down to the kitchen and bit my lip as I pulled out a toaster from the cupboard and a pan. I took out eggs from the fridge and began to make breakfast. I somehow made two plates of scrambled eggs, four slices of toast, four slices of bacon and poured two glasses of orange juice.

I heard heavy footsteps descend the staircase as I glanced up to see Noah, dressed in his usual black suit before taking a seat on the island. I frowned, sliding a plate in his direction and took a seat beside him. "Don't ask. They were for me but I decided I shouldn't be too greedy."

Noah chuckled. "Of course. What are your plans for today?"

I shrugged. "I have to go to the office and work. Did I tell you my father crowned me last night?"

Noah's eyes slightly widened in shock. "No, you didn't...congratulations, princess."

I grinned. "Thank you. I need to talk to you about some stuff when I come home-"

"-home?" Noah had cut me off with wide eyes.

I bit my lip at the slip-up. "I want to make this my home, if you'd allow me."

Noah slightly smiled. "Please, make it a home."

I nodded slowly. "Anyways, I need to talk to you after work about accomodations for the Moretti family."

Noah nodded, sipping on his orange juice. "What don't I pick you up for lunch?"

Without hesitation, I nodded and smiled. "That'd be great."

"My god, are you guys truly married?!" A familiar voice exclaimed from behind us, making me jump in my seat as I turned around to find Javier dressed in a suit, a wide grin on his face. "Hey, Noah, Astoria." Javier picked a bacon from Noah's plate, causing him to glare at the invader.

"Morning," I replied with a chuckle as I continued to eat. "Why are you here?"

"To see if you guys have fucked-"

"Javier," a warning tone came from Noah's mouth. "Shut your dirty mouth and go back to where you came from."

Javier formed a pout and I realised he looked like he was older than Noah by a year or two but had a mind of a child. I chuckled, knowing that I had a mind of a child at times too. "Relax, Noah. Just wanted to see if I'm going to be an uncle yet." He turned to look at me and rolled his eyes, jabbing his thumb in Noah's direction. "Men, huh? You can never understand them."

I let out a laugh and wiped my mouth with a tissue. "I have to get going. I'm glad you're in a good mood, Javier." I was just about to walk out of the kitchen when Javier yelled, forcing me to look back and my immediate response was to catch the small object that was already flying in the air towards. I frowned at the Range Rover keys. "What is this?"

"Your new car," Javier answered with a cheeky grin. "Noah forced me to go out there and buy it for you. Actually, I forced him but then he forced me back in return. I found a mini scratch on my Audi and I am not happy about that!"

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