t w e n t y - t h r e e

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The second the last three words left, Noah stared at me with wide eyes, disbelief plastered all over his face. My heart sighed in relief when Noah lowered his gun slowly, placing it on the counter as he took a step back from me as if the words from moments were still processing inside his head. I bit my lip, unsure of what to do as Noah excused himself before running up the stairs, leaving me stunned in the same position.

I frowned, unable to comprehend what had just happened as I scratched the back of my head. Thinking it was a better idea to follow him, I sighed and ascended the stairs, knocking on our bedroom door before opening it. My jaw slightly dropped when Noah was laying down on our bed, his shoulders shaking as my heart frowned at the sight.

"Noah?" I questioned softly, closing the door behind me as I tip-toed towards him in caution, my instincts kicking in as I surveyed the area for any guns or weapons. Anything that would've harmed me.

The sound of shuffling made my legs work even faster as I approached Noah, laying my hand on his back and settled down beside me. Confused as to why he suddenly had a break down, I moved my hand in circular motions in attempt to comfort him since I found it difficult to comfort people in general.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly. "Why are you crying-"

"Do you mean it?" Noah asked through his sobs, turning his head to the side to meet my gaze as his red eyes held a spark of hope.

I frowned and assumed he was talking about earlier. "I mean it."

Noah made a move to pull me in as he pressed a kiss on top of my head, his arms wrapping around me protectively as if I was a childhood toy. I blinked in utter confusion before looking up at him, Noah pressing his cheek on my head.

"I'm sorry for doubting you," Noah whispered. "I'm sorry for putting a gun to your head. You didn't deserve that and I should've heard you out first."

I relaxed my head on his chest and sighed. "It's okay. I guess I apologise for putting a knife against your neck."

Noah kissed my head again.

Notorious, they said. I chuckled at the thought.


Noah explained that Javier had gotten the news that a Moretti member of my gang had put Juliette on the hit-list. Who would kill a sweet, little girl?

"It's obviously someone with the motive to hurt Noah," Javier's voice suddenly danced into my conscience as I snapped my head to reality and blinked. I found myself sitting across from Noah and Javier, Juliette perched on Noah's lap as she played with her iPad with earphones tucked inside her small ears.

"Who would it be, though?" I asked myself softly. It wouldn't be my parents because they arranged for Noah and I to get married for my protection and security and it wouldn't have been Karlos seeing as he was my right-hand man.

"None of your hands-on men wouldn't have anything against me or you merging the gang together?" Noah asked me, his voice soft yet sharp as if his patience was running thin. "Do you think some of your men will start a rebellion?"

I scoffed. "Those Italian and Dutch men respect me. I've grown up with them, trained with and by them. They're basically my uncles."

Noah crinkled his nose. "You need to host an event at your place."

I shook my head. "I'll have a barbecue there. The Bellucci family are invited."

Javier's eyes lit up in excitement. "I love a barbecue!"

I chuckled. "I need to do something so I'll see you later. Bye Juliette!"

Before Juliette could stop her game and bid me goodbye, Noah whispered something inside her ear which caused her to nod and smile. Javier held out a hand to her as they both walked out of the room with smiles on their faces.

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