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The minute my mother had come home, the minute she saw my ring and squealed in delight. It was the very next day and the shoot Noah and I had done was on the cover of every magazine possible that is out there in the world. It was also on tabloids and made as the headlines; Multi-billionaire, Noah Bellucci is no longer an eligible bachelor for he is engaged to Astoria Moretti. or Astoria Moretti has captured the heart of multi-billionaire Noah Bellucci and is the power couple of the decade.

It was unbelievable, if I was going to be honest. Now, more paparazzi was going to be on my heels everywhere I go. That was the last thing I wanted.

"Oh, darling, the ring is absolutely mooi," my mother complimented, her home language-Dutch- escaping her lips at the last word. "Noah really considered the engagement ring."
[Mooi= beautiful]

I shrugged. "We have to look the part, right?"

My mother slowly nodded as if something bothered her. "Of course, dear."

I was informed by my father that the wedding wasn't going to happen for another month or two and I needed to talk to Noah to push it back. I couldn't get married just yet, I was still so young and had so much to do before being tied down. My mother only agreed with my father and his plans, leaving no room for argument and just as we were about to walk out of the department store, I slipped on my sunglasses.

"I'll see you at home," I said to my mother, kissing both of her cheeks as she nodded before placing a hand over her face when she walked out. Half of the paparazzi followed her, her security guards making a cage around her.

Sighing, I, too, placed a hand over my face as if my sunglasses were not enough coverage before the black-suited men formed a circle around me when we walked out.

"Where's the car?" I muttered to one of the men who was walking close by.

"Just across the street, Miss Moretti."

Then the questions came.

"Miss Moretti, how does it feel to be engaged to one of the most richest guy in the world?" one asked.

"Miss Moretti, do you truly love Noah Bellucci?" another asked. That one almost struck home.

"Miss Moretti, when's the wedding?"

As I climbed into the SUV, the suited man closed the door, shutting out the flashes of photographers. I took off my sunglasses and loosed a breath before leaning over to the driver's seat. "Take me to the Bellucci building."

"Which one?" the chauffeur asked.

I raised a brow. "The one with Noah Bellucci inside the building."

After surviving another crowd of paparazzi that were waiting outside of Noah's building, my patience was already running on a thin line by the time I reached Noah's office. He had been pacing back and forth, a phone attached to his ear as he had waved me to come inside.

He quickly hung up, letting out a frustrated sigh before turning his attention on me. "What did I do to get an unexpected visit from my future wife?"

I bit my lip. "We need to talk about this arrangement that your father and mine have."

Noah nodded, pointing to the sofa as I quickly made my way there and sat. Noah, on the other hand, sat on the armchair just opposite of sofa. "What should we talk about?"

I took off my coat and straightened my posture. "I want the wedding pushed back; we still need to get to know each other. I need to take my crown in the underground world and my father's spot as CEO before getting married. I also need time to process everything because it's just going too quickly for me, right now."

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