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"What is going on? Who...How did...a baby? Ebony, I'm confused here." I looked up onto the beautiful face of my wife but something wasn't right, something was different about her. I reached over to hug her but she pulled back slightly with caution and a look of fear on her face. "Ebony?" I whispered reaching out for her but said nothing and looked at me with complete wonder in her eyes like she had never seen me before. Her eyes trailed over me like I was a stranger to her and I could see the fear appear in her eyes as she studied me. "I won't hurt you. Ebony, what happened to you?" I reached up once again slowly to touch her soft skin with my hand. "What did the darkness do you?" This time she let me touch her for a second but pulled away just as quick.

"You are Carter, yes? The vampire who has been calling for me in the darkness. You are him?" She said softly looking at me desperately waiting for my answer.

"I am," I said gently. "I heard you for calling me."

She held the baby to her chest and smiled at me with relief. "You did it little one. You found him." The baby's eye twinkled at me as sliver specks appeared in his aqua eyes. "We are saved." The baby looked back at Ebony.

"Ebony, what is going on?" I looked around frantically but all I could see was white, like a bright light shining right in my eyes. "I don't understand? Sunshine, where are we?"

Ebony smiled at me. "He put us in a protection bubble from the darkness as we need to talk. I need to make sure the darkness can not find us. Please, can you help us?" She stood away from me still looking cautiously like I might attack her at any moment.

I rubbed my temples in frustration as she was making no sense. "Ebony, you need to tell where we are exactly and what is going now with on. I don't understand." I once again tried to reach out to her but she pulled back from me and shook her head slightly.

"Ebony?" I said nervously as she pushed my hand away slightly and rested it on my lap.

"Ebony, do you remember me at all? Do you remember us?" I put my hand on hers and felt her tense up. "Sunshine, please."

"I remember you being my savour in my dark world." She pulled her hand away from mine. "I remember your words and your kindness. I knew you could help us." She looked down at the now sleeping baby in her arms. "He knew where to find you. He brought us here to be with you. He recognised you straight away."

"Who?" I was becoming more frustrated as I tried to understand. I closed my eyes and tried to speak calmly. "Who recognised me?"

"Your son of course." She smiled sweetly. "He saved my life and brought me to you. I was dying in that dark cold world and then I heard your voice. We heard you call for us and tell us to be ready but I was weak and my body was slowly dying. I remember calling for you as I let the darkness consume me and then I woke up in the arms of a very large man called, Ariel..."

"Ariel, saved you?" My heart sank in my chest as I heard her words. Of course, he did. He's an angel. I was too late to save her.

"No, he didn't save us. He obeyed us." She smiled softly. "I called for you but you weren't there. Ariel heard us and brought us here to you in this protection bubble but I knew you would be here to save us. I knew you would hear our calls. We must get out of here though as the darkness will find us again. It will try to kill me now that our child is born as it has no use for me anywhere. Please, vampire Carter...We need you." Tears fell from her eyes as she reached out to my chest. "I can feel you know me. I can feel the love you have for her....for Ebony."

"For her? Are you not Ebony?"

"I am but I'm not." She said pulling her hand away. "Not your Ebony."

"If you are not my Ebony, then who are you?"

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