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I laid down on the cold hard floor and curled up in a ball as I cradled my growing baby bump. The baby was growing at a rapid rate inside me, and I could feel its power growing more and more every day. The baby could almost command me to do anything it wished, and as the days went along, I could feel myself losing the battle to fight it. I had no will of my own anymore and my body was slowly becoming weaker as the baby took everything from me. I had nothing but the comfort of the deep voice in my head from this stranger called Carter. His voice soothed my angry soul and gave me little hope that I would survive this world.

"I'm coming for you my sunshine...just hold on please..."

I closed my eyes and felt a tear fall from my eyes as the baby started thrashing around at the sound of Carter's soothing voice. Pain radiated through my body as the baby stretched my organs to their limits. "Stop! Please stop..."

"You are not as strong as you once were." The darkness said suddenly standing over me. "You are weak and pathetic. I made you strong but now you cower on the floor because of a little pain. Pain means power. Embrace it like you once did..."

I moaned loudly as the pain radiated through my body like lightning. It felt like I was being ripped apart as the baby tried to claw its way out of me.

"Ahhh, my child knows it's nearly time. It can feel the universe calling for it." The darkness picked me up off the floor as I screamed out in terror. "You disappoint me. I see now that I have no use for you once my child is born. You are pathetic." The darkness growled in my ear as it shook me. "That life on earth made you weak and the vampire will pay for this...

"What vampire do you speak of?" I whispered as the darkness dropped me to my knees.

"The one that is about to die a horrible and prolonged death. The one they now call Carter Morgan." The darkness grabbed my hair as it pulled my head back and leaned over my weak body. "Don't worry, you will be there to watch his final moment. You will be the last thing the creature sees before he meets his death." The darkness surrounded me and squeezed my entire body tightly as I gasped for air. "And once he dies, there is no need for you anymore."

I felt a tear fall from my eye again as I clutched my baby bump and the darkness disappeared. I fell to the floor and closed my eyes tightly waiting to hear his voice one last time...

"I'm coming for you baby. Please, if you can hear me hold on. I need you to be strong and hold on just a while longer..." His deep voice faded away into the deafening sound of silence that I was now used to.

"I can't..I'm sorry...Goodbye vampire Carter...Goodbye..." I whispered as I fell to the floor.



"Carter, are you sure about this?" Leon whispered in my ear as we watched Ebony's lifeless body being placed on a table in the middle of the room by the witches. They covered her body with branches and leaves from the forbidden forest and I felt my body tense up as I watched the witches once again perform a protection circle around her. Her body had been preserved by a spell and she looked like she was sleeping with her rosy cheeks and subtle skin. They had stopped the decaying process and preserved her youth and I felt my whole body tingle as I watched her body glow under the protection spell. I then felt the heartache as I realised she was still gone. I felt the familiar ache of emptiness inside me as I pictured her scared and hurt and then I felt the rage build as I pictured myself killing the darkness slowly...very slowly for hurting my Sunshine.

"Boss, ummmm...Ariel is here to see you." I heard Jake in my ear. "He said it's imperative that he speaks to you right now."

"I'm a tad busy right now Jacob," I said turning to look at him. "Why can't he come to me?"

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