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I walked outside after my conversation with Ebony. I needed some air and time to...I didn't know what I needed time for, but I knew I wanted some time away. I hate being awkward around her, and I hate not being able to touch her. That was driving me insane because I felt guilty for wanting to touch my own wife. I was still attracted to her, but she clearly felt uncomfortable in my presence.

"Fuck!" I yelled into the air. "Just...FUCK!" I took comfort in the silence that followed. "I just want her back." I sighed and let my head roll back. "I just want my wife back."

"Help.." I heard a faint woman's voice coming from the garden in front of me. My eyes searched the darkness, but I saw nothing. "Help, please."

"Where are you?" I said with caution.

"Please. I'm scared, and I need help." The voice cried out a little louder.

"Tell me who you are, and I'll help you." I scanned the darkness of the night around me, waiting for someone or something to attack me.

"Carter, please. I'm scared." The voice sobbed from in front of me. "It's after me, and it's going to kill me."

"How do you know my name?"

"Because I was your wife." I saw a dark figure stand up from the garden. "Help me, please. It's after me, and I need you." The figure walked into the light of the moon. "Carter, I don't want to die."

"Genevieve?" I stared into the eyes of the woman who had betrayed me. The woman who worked with the darkness to destroy me. I felt rage course through my veins like lightning. "Get the fuck off my property before I decide to hurt you," I growled at her.

"No, Carter, please. I need your help." She looked like she was on death's door with her withered pale skin and empty eyes. A shell of a vampire making her last attempt at life.

"I owe you nothing." I spat at her. "You took everything from me. EVERYTHING!" I bellowed. "The fact that you think I will even listen to you is laughable. Get away from me before I tear your damn head off."

"No, listen. The darkness is here, trying to take over my body. It is stronger than ever, and it's going to kill us all. Please, I'm scared, and I'm dying, but I want to help you. I just need..."

"No," I said, shaking my head. "You wanted this, and now you have to live with the consequences of it. I can't help you."

"I'm sorry for what I did. I was angry and hurt that you didn't love me anymore. I just wanted you back, and then everything got out of control. I loved you.."

"You never loved me, Genevieve. You loved the idea of being with a powerful creature like me, but you never loved me. You are not capable of that. You don't even love your own son, and that is your loss because he is a great kid. You are just a pathetic vampire who I took pity on because I was lonely."

"We had more than that." She pleaded.

"Yes, we did. We had great sex, and that's it. I never loved you, Genevieve. I thought I did, but I never did. I did care for you once, but you blew that when you sided with darkness and kept me in Hell for ten years. That, I'm afraid, is a deal breaker for me." I shrugged without care. "Get away from me."

"The darkness will take over my body, and when it does, it will come for you. I don't want to die." She sobbed, falling to her knees. "It is killing me, and I can hear it in my head. It whispers to me about horrid things that it wants me to do. It is controlling me, and it has for a very long time. I didn't do those horrible things to you. The darkness made me do it. It made me lie about being pregnant, and it made me hurt you. I didn't want to do it, but I had no choice."

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