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We had to find the right spot under the moon for this spell to work. Henry had explained to me that the moon controls the witches' magic and makes it more powerful, and if we don't get this spell just right, then we have no hope of Carter and Leon returning to the world. My body was still healing, and unfortunately, I wasn't as strong as I hoped I would be by now.

"Are we there yet?" I groaned to Callan as I climbed off his back and let him stretch out his body. He had been carrying me for miles now.

"It's just up ahead." Callan said, pointing to a clearing in front of us. "How's the leg?" He cracked his neck and stretched his arms over his head, releasing a groan of pure satisfaction. "That feels good." He smiled proudly to himself.

"I'm glad." I smiled back. "My leg is feeling ok. Thanks for helping me." I touched his arm. "And thanks for not making a big deal about the human girl getting tired again thing back there."

"Anytime." He winked, stretching his muscular arms to the side. "We should be safe here for a rest. Sit down and have a drink before everything gets started."

"What about those rogue creature things from before. Are we in danger?" I looked around the forest and felt my heart started to beat faster.

"We are surrounded by the king's army, Ebony. We are safe." Callan scoffed, pointing to Henry's army surrounding us in their armor and holding mighty big swords. "Look at those big bastards. They could  eat you in one bite if they wanted. Just chomp! No more Ebony."

"Oh, well, that's reassuring." I looked around the dark forest nervously again. "I feel really safe now."

"You're welcome." Callan winked and gave a wicked deep laugh.

"Yo Callan, I just meet the girl of dreams, man. She's totally into me." Jake ran to Callan's side. "She is gorgeous, and she wants me like right now."

"I know, right. These witches are crazy horny." Callan gave Jake a high five.

"Not every girl wants to have sex with you. You know that, right?" I said, raising my eyebrow at them. "You understand that?"

"How dare you!" Jake said, making a dramatic face at me. "Look at me! Who would not want to be with this masterpiece?" Jake gestured to his body.

"You do nothing for me, mate." Callan said, shaking his head. "Not a damn thing."

"You tell yourself that." Jake blew a kiss at Callan who instantly punched Jake in the stomach. I rolled my eyes at them as they started to hit each other and throw all their testosterone into the air like monkeys fling poop.

"Enough, both of you! Why do you assume all these witches want you anyway?"

"I think these answer that question." Callan flexed his muscles at me and posed like a superhero.

"We actually want more than that. You know like maybe...Oh, never mind. You're not listening to me anyway." I sighed loudly watching them both eye off the young witches and continue to show off their muscular frames. "Why do I even bother?"

"Hello, beautiful. Where have been all my life?" Jake cooed to some brunette witch learning on a tree. "Let's get to know each other a little better..." he walked over to her fixing his hair.

"Seriously?" I looked at Callan. "What is it with these witches. You are all losing your damn minds."

"Don't be jealous." Callan smiled sweetly at me.

"You did not just say that to me! Jealous? Of what?" I stood up and hobbled over to him. "Jealous, my ass." I hit him on arm. "Are you all possessed or something?"

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