•Chapter Twelve• Interesting Surprises

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It's been a few days since Alpha Dave returned with the pack. And for the most part, our lives have returned to a semblance of normalcy. But how can you return to a normal life with the rogue threat endangering the life of your mate and knowing that war is imminent?

Thankfully, now that the Children of the Moon pack have returned, both packs are training together. Though the training sessions are longer than before, they're necessary. We need to ensure we're ready for what's to come.

Silvia has yet to decide what course to take that will benefit her old pack. It's a topic we discuss nightly, looking at the situation from every possible angle. I give my feedback but make sure Silvia knows the final decision is hers to make.

In the last few days, I couldn't help but love and admire Silvia more and more. Nearly daily, she does something that leaves me amazed and thankful the goddess chose her to be our mate. On the second day of our combined training session, Kile challenged Silvia to a match. I wasn't happy about it and was about to forbid it. But Silvia just gave a mysterious smile and accepted.


While all the fighters were being trained, Silvia felt that the weaker pack members needed to learn how to defend themselves in case they ever found themselves in a dire situation. For my part, I didn't think Silvia would know anything about self-defense but if trying to teach the weaker pack members to defend themselves made her happy and kept her busy, I saw nothing wrong with it.

Kile and I were walking past to check on the warrior training when we overheard what Silvia was saying to her band of trainees. Though to be honest, I was just checking out how hot she looked in her training outfit, I was practically drooling over how her clothes hugged her delectable body.

"Never assume anything when you're facing an opponent. Just because someone looks weak, doesn't always mean that's the case. You have to be ready for anything." Silvia instructed as she looked from face to face with her hands on her hips.

Kile, fool that he is, decided to open his mouth. "I bet I could take you and best you, Luna, " Though his tone was teasing, Silvia cocked a brow and looked up at him with a challenging look.

"Is that so?" Silvia asked in a mocking tone before turning to her trainees. "It seems we have a volunteer that's going to help demonstrate my point." She informs them with a happy smile.

Cain had been leaning against a tree but chose that moment to come and stand beside me with a big grin on his face. From the look on his face, I had a feeling Kile may regret his words. Still, Kile was one of my best warriors and I knew what he could do in battle. "Silvia, I don't think that's a good idea." I began as I took a step toward her, a frown knitting my brows.

"Are you saying I can't defeat him?" Silvia asks with a silky tone, one brow cocked as she looked at me with disappointment. Realizing I'd just put my foot in my mouth, I sighed and stepped back to my previous spot.

In the next moment, Kile charged, confident he could take her but she surprised us both. Silvia stepped out of the way with her arm raised at the last possible second, showing just how agile and crafty she was. Her action had Kile hit her arm and topple backward with a loud thud.

Kile lay on the ground shocked and gasped to regain the breath he'd lost when Silvia's forearm connected with his chest. Then he jumped to his feet, his hand rubbing his chest as he looked at Silvia with new respect. Eyes narrowed, Kile charged again hoping to catch her off guard. This time, Silvia jumped in the air and took him out with a swift roundhouse kick to the jaw.

To say I was stunned isn't an exaggeration. Kile lay on the ground with his eyes closed, a bruise forming on his jaw. Cain laughed and clapped along with her trainees while I stood there looking at my wonderful mate with awe and pride. She was the most amazing woman I have ever met and I wanted to take her right there.

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