Epilogue + Author's Thoughts + Bonus

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I yawned as I woke up and stretched. I heard my wings and back crack a little bit when I did so, relieving me of stiffness. I relaxed my wings, putting on my toga to start the day.

It's been a year, and yet I still feel strange living in my own temple-like home in Skyworld. It feels like it's unbelievable, too different to be true.

Phos and Lux have their own stables next to my home on my personal floating island. The Lightning Chariot is in a garage next to it. So because I have the full set for the Lightning Chariot, I bet I'm gonna be interacting with quite a bit of gods. I mean, I already have. I have to protect it with my gut, though, just so it doesn't get into the wrong hands. Hephaestus offered to build me a really security-based garage and stables, so thanks to him, I don't needa worry about constantly staying here.

To be honest, having my own little home is kinda lonely, but at least it's super close to both, Viridi's and Palutena's temples. I visit them all the time, every day, see if they both need any help. If they don't, I just see what I can do in the villages. There are still left over monsters to deal with after the whole thing with Hades. I wouldn't call it a war, but it kinda was one... Anyway, that's besides the point. Sometimes I see Magnus in the villages when I try to help out, and we fight together. Kinda wish I spent more time with him during my adventures as a human, but you know what? Hanging out with him and fighting with him even as an angel is just as fun. I still see Hecate as well. Sometimes she contacts me via telepathy asking me if I have the time to help her with some potion arranging or testing new spells that she knows for sure won't harm me. I mean, she's pretty talented at that— she's the Goddess of Magic. I rarely see Poseidon. I see him when I'm fighting off monsters at the coast, but that's about it. I've heard he's been talking to Palutena more, so that's cool. I'm glad Palutena's in contact with more gods since I left her team. Phosphora is sometimes over at Viridi's, so we all just chill and help each other, I guess. Phosphora and I actually helped fight for a village that Viridi surprisingly tolerates, since the people there actually praise her. I guess I did convince her that not all humans are bad. As for Pittoo, he also has his own home near mine. He's usually off fighting somewhere else, but he visits quite often, and the two of us go hang out at Viridi's or Palutena's often. He kinda warmed up to having allies, so that's good.

Anyway, you all might be wondering what's going on with Viridi and me after she kissed me on the cheek a year ago. Well, she's not hiding feelings anymore. She told me that she acted mean to me so that I couldn't suspect she had a crush on me. I believe that's called a tsundere, but I'm not quite sure. I mean, I don't really hear those terms often. And after that whole adventure we had together, I warmed up to her even more than I already was. So, uh, turns out, I kinda like her too. We know we like each other, and we're kinda sorta dating, but we're not kissing each other like crazy. We both have never been in a relationship before, so it's quite new and awkward. But we continue to support each other, which I believe is a great thing to have in a relationship. Phosphora, Palutena, and Pittoo tease us all the time, but we're fine with it, because we know it's true. Maybe when we are older, our relationship will become more, well, like a relationship. She does peck my cheek from time to time, and we hug, so I think we qualify as a less extreme type of couple, I guess. Don't get me wrong, I like it this way! It's nice! Nothing intense!

Another thing, it seems like the more I fly on my own, the stronger my wings are getting. It makes me wonder if I was actually born with a defect in my wings and Hades's magic somehow cured it, or if relying on the Power of Flight didn't allow me to develop strength in my wings on my own. Maybe I was a late bloomer. But that doesn't matter, since now I'm able to fly by myself. Each day, I can fly faster and faster, higher and higher, and I'm able to do more push-ups with my wings. Yeah, you heard me. Instead of using my arms for push-ups, I use my wings. It's pretty good training, actually.

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