Chapter 1: The Curse

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Pit? Pit!

I woke up with a shock. My name kept ringing in my head, like someone was calling me. It definitely wasn't Lady Palutena— that wasn't her voice. I couldn't even tell who's it was. Who else would be calling me?

"Huh...?" I muttered, rubbing my eyes. When my vision cleared, I realized I couldn't see anything anyway. I was in a black void. Everything around me was endless darkness. I immediately sprung up, looking everywhere around me.

"HEY!" I called out into the darkness, "Anyone here?!"

No one answered. Of course no one was here. I guess I just wanted to make sure. I was alone in this void. But if I'm alone, who put me here?
Before I can even think of an answer to my own question, I was knocked out.

• • •

I felt my conscience come back. I don't know how much time has passed, how I got into the void I was in earlier, and how I got out. I groaned, slowly opening my eyes again. I woke up in the middle of a large field with tall grass everywhere and patches of yellow flowers in some areas. I looked around, and I saw a village up ahead. It was the village I was by the most— that's where I met my human ally, Magnus. Well, I guess all the humans are Lady's Palutena's allies. Or did I meet him somewhere else? Anyway, we help the humans fight against the Forces of Nature and the Underworld Army. Even better? We win every time! It's just that Viridi doesn't give up, and Hades had just revealed himself to be the mastermind behind the entire Underworld attack. It wasn't Medusa after all. Point is, we keep fighting for the humans. Oh, and there's Pittoo, my clone who only cares for himself, so we him fight on occasion. I guess that's enough backstory. I'd talk about myself, but I think you either already know who I am, or you'd just look it up or something. In short, as if it wasn't obvious already, I'm Pit, servant of the Goddess of Light, Lady Palutena. I fight for all that is good, and I haven't failed so far.

Anyway, where was I? Oh, right, I just woke up in the middle of this huge field. No one was around me. For some reason, I felt like I was really alone, despite Lady Palutena being by my side all the time, whether via telepathy or physically. Well, mostly by telepathy.

Weird, I rubbed my head, thinking, Why would Lady Palutena send me here? Where is she, anyway?

"Lady Palutena?" I called out, "I kinda need some assistance right here...? I don't know what to do or why you sent me here...!"

No answer. I blinked in confusion. She'd usually answer me right on the spot!

"Lady Palutena?" I called again, a little quieter this time with worry. What happened? Why isn't she answering me?

I got up from the ground, feeling very different. I looked down at my hands to make sure I was still myself just in case. My clothes were still the same— I still hade my armor-like cuffs around my forearms, and my gold ringlets around my upper arms. Still had my white robes and my sandals... I was still myself, clearly. But why does it feel like a huge part of me is missing? Was it Lady Palutena not answering my call to her? Probably... I'm just worried. She's such a huge part of my life. She's like my mother— she raised me, she trained me, she helped me. She helped me do something I couldn't do on my own— fly. Despite being an angel, my wings can't bring me to the skies on my own. It's a defect of some sort. Lady Palutena never told me what it was, but she helped me fly by granting me the Power of Flight, though it only lasts five minutes, because my wings would need to recover. They'd burn off. It almost happened before at the Autumn Hive. It was terrifying. But hey, at least it ended well.

Wait, but how long was it since I've been there? It seemed like a day, yet up ahead in the village, I saw clouds of... of smoke— WHY DIDN'T I IMMEDIATELY GO HELP?!

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