Chapter 9: The Underworld

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Pittoo and Phosphora were fine. It just turns out that Thanatos was sucking the life out of them, and I managed to cut them off from it just in time. Unfortunately for us, though, they needed time to recover. It's already been a few days, about five, since we paid that visit to the God of Death. What I did in the meantime was fight off Underworld monsters in a bunch of different towns. Lady Palutena's been recovering, and thankfully it seems she's been getting used to me "not being here," as I was still blonde and green-eyed.

I came back from yet another battle, Viridi extracting me from the town. I appeared back in Hecate's home. Lady Palutena was next to Viridi as I appeared before them. She looked at me with a smile.

"You're a valiant fighter, young one," she said, "You remind me of a fellow friend of mine..." She blinked and then laughed, "Oh, my apologies, I've said that same phrase far too many times."

"No, no," I assured her, "It's okay."

"I just miss him, I guess," she sighed, "But Hecate has told me while you were battling to not worry too much about him... That he's ready to be on his own."

"Trust me, Palutena," Viridi looked up at her, "He'll definitely pay you visits if he's not your personal angel anymore."

"But how will he fly?" She asked, "He needs the Power of Flight..."

I didn't want to be thinking about my future right now. I interrupted their thoughts.

"Maybe that's a question to solve later," I laughed nervously, "M-maybe something'll come up, and uh..."

The two goddesses looked at me, expecting me to continue my sentence.

"I'll... I'll just go—"

"Everyone!" I heard Hecate's cheery voice shout from down the hall, "Poseidon and I made the perfect plan!"

The three of us looked at each other and sprinted to where the Goddess of Magic and God of the Sea were. Pittoo and Phosphora were there too, but they were still resting on the sofas. They looked a lot better compared to when we took them back here five days ago.

"Okay," Hecate breathed, "So I've taken all of the information you two have given me from that trip you had a few days ago, and Poseidon and I came up with a plan."

"So that's what you were doing!" Viridi laughed, "I thought you two were making out all day or something!"

Poseidon stared at Viridi. Hecate's eyes widened with glee and excitement.

"Were you and you-know-who making out when you were in the Underworld?" Hecate smirked.

I blushed. I knew it was about me, because Hecate looked at me as she said that. I didn't wanna be brought into this. Viridi's face turned bright red and her hazel eyes narrowed. Lady Palutena covered her mouth, looking like she was trying to hide laughter.

"Gotcha," Hecate giggled, "Anyways, so here's what we came up with. Palutena here said she has the Three Sacred Treasures back in her temple, and you guys did say that the information you got from Thanatos is that we need someone or something of true light. So that's a good start."

"I guess so," Viridi agreed, "It could work. But who's gonna wear it?"

"I think D—Park is the best option for us," Poseidon said, quickly correcting himself, "We gods already have enough power, and Phosphora, despite not being a goddess, has her lightning. Plus, it's crucial to our plan that Park has it rather than Kap."

I was confused as to why I wasn't the one to use the Three Sacred Treasures, seeing as I've usually been the one to use it. Then again, Poseidon did say it's crucial to the plan...

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