Chapter 6: The Lightning Chariot

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I got up in the morning, taking my laurel crown from the tall stump next to my bed (which acted as a nightstand I guess) and placing it on my head. I yawned and stretched, and I noticed Pittoo was already up. He was opening the door to leave, and he looked back at me, his blade in his other hand.

"Get up, sleepyhead," he smirked.

"Okay, okay!" I groaned, "Geez!"

I pushed myself off the bed, grabbed my bow, and walked out the door with Pittoo. It's been a few days since the encounter with Hecate. Meanwhile, Pittoo and I were sent to towns to help fight the Underworld Army. I saw Magnus again, who said that he found out that some gods who have supposedly disappeared came back. I'm not sure what that could mean, but maybe I'll find out soon enough. He didn't say gods who died, so Ares couldn't be an option. He's plain dead. So gods that just disappeared without a trace... Which ones were they again?

Anyway, we entered the main hall where Viridi usually met us every morning so far. As expected, there she was, waiting for us.

"I got a message from Hecate," she said.

"Not even a 'Good Morning'?" Pittoo said sassily, crossing his arms.

"Ugh," Viridi groaned, rolling her eyes.

"No, it's okay," I assured her, "Keep talking. What did Hecate say?"

"Hecate said that she encountered Poseidon trying to look into Palutena's whereabouts as well," Viridi informed, "The two found out that they're both allies with us, so they didn't fight. But they also found that Palutena created a barrier around her portion or Skyworld, and it's very likely that's where she's staying. Even Poseidon and Hecate can't make it through, and those gods are older than Palutena!"
I stared at her wide-eyed. We're in deep trouble, then.

"However," Viridi continued, "I think I know what can shatter the barrier. Hecate told me long ago about the Lightning Chariot, a chariot pulled by two unicorns and can travel super fast. It looks like a comet when it travels from a distance, from what Hecate told me. I suggested that idea to her and she told me that the Chariot could possibly work. But you see, the guy who owns the Chariot right now isn't really on good terms with Hecate or Poseidon, so she asked me to send you two."

Pittoo was about to say something, but I covered his mouth with my free hand.

"Don't worry, Viridi!" I said cheerfully, glancing at Pittoo, "We'll make sure we get it!"
Pittoo rolled his eyes, his arms still folded across his chest.

"Alright, are you two ready to go or do you want something to eat first?" Viridi asked.
Usually Viridi made fun of me for eating whatever I could.

"Oh, yeah, I'm starving!" I exclaimed, rubbing my belly.

"Fine, whatever," Pittoo sighed, walking into the kitchen.

We grabbed a quick snack, ate it, and Viridi sent us off. I would talk about the delicious breakfast I ate, but I'm pretty sure all of you want to hear about that cool action parts, so I'll spare you, heheh. Anyway, Viridi's light transported us to a large, crystal-like tower, reaching high up into the sky. The sky was indigo with pinkish-purple lights swirling— wait. We're in space. I looked at Pittoo in panic. He looked back at me with fear in his eyes, too.

Oh my gods, guys, relax, I gave you two the ability to breathe while you're up here! Viridi groaned, I knew humans couldn't breathe in space! Did you think I was stupid?

"Yeah," Pittoo muttered, "And I still do..."

What was that, Dark Pit? Viridi said angrily, probably through gritted teeth from the way it sounded.

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